Matlab 版 (精华区)
发信人: qizq (快乐、踏实地过好每一天), 信区: Matlab
标 题: The MathWorks International Aerospace and Defense
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2003年05月13日09:19:22 星期二), 站内信件
The MathWorks International Aerospace and Defense Conference 2003
June 3 - 5, 2003
About the Conference
Welcome to The MathWorks International Aerospace & Defense Conference (MIADC
) 2003. The conference consists of a one-day symposium and a two-day leaders
hip council. By working closely with customers to address industry needs, Ma
thWorks products and services are enabling the development of increasingly c
omplex systems while helping to improve quality and shorten design cycles. T
his year's event joins MathWorks developers, partners, and customers to lear
n and discuss the latest developments and successes of aerospace and defense
system development.
Aerospace Symposium: June 3, 2003
The Symposium will include:
" Presentations from MathWorks representatives describing how MATLAB and Sim
ulink can be used to solve aerospace and defense system development challeng
" Presentations from fellow aerospace and defense experts describing how the
y use MathWorks tools for various engineering and system management tasks in
cluding large data management and analysis; flight control, navigation, and
guidance systems development; and radar and satellite communications systems
" Demonstrations and exhibits from several MathWorks Connections partners
MathWorks Connections partners offer a broad range of commercially available
products and services based on the MATLAB technical computing environment.
These solutions result from collaboration with other companies from all over
the world to combine tools with an open architecture that let you customize
and extend the MATLAB environment. The conference will provide attendees th
e opportunity to visit partner exhibits and view demonstrations of the many
different solutions available.
Who Should Attend:
" Aerospace Control System Engineers
" Signal and Communications System Engineers
" RF Architects and RF Analog Engineers
" Systems, Integration, and Test Engineers
" Embedded Software Developers
" Research and Design Engineers and Analysts
" Engineering Management, Program Managers, and Project Leaders
MathWorks Aerospace Leadership Council (MALC): June 4 - 5, 2003 - Invitation
The MALC meetings have ensured that MathWorks products continually evolve to
meet the needs of the aerospace and defense community. MALC members have th
e opportunity to participate in discussions that provide feedback to MathWor
ks developers regarding future product releases. MALC is by invitation only
and currently has representation among all major aerospace and defense contr
actors and system integrators. If you are interested in learning more about
MALC activities, please contact Jennifer Petrosky at
Register today to reserve your space at "The MathWorks International Aerospa
ce & Defense Conference 2003," and check back often for updates on agenda an
d a listing of partner exhibits.
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香·[FROM:]
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