Matlab 版 (精华区)
发信人: billsun (该学习了), 信区: Matlab
标 题: Using the matlab Add-In for Visual Studio
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2003年07月07日16:48:36 星期一), 站内信件
The MathWorks provides a MATLAB add-in for the Visual Studio? development sy
stem that lets you work easily within Microsoft Visual C/C++ (MSVC). The MAT
LAB add-in for Visual Studio greatly simplifies using M-files in the MSVC en
vironment. The add-in automates the integration of M-files into Visual C++ p
rojects. It is fully integrated with the MSVC environment. The add-in for Vi
sual Studio is automatically installed on your system when you run either mb
uild -setup or mex -setup and select Microsoft Visual C/C++ version 5 or 6.
However, there are several steps you must follow in order to use the add-in:
To build MEX-files with the add-in for Visual Studio, run the following com
mand at the MATLAB command prompt. mex -setup
Follow the menus and choose either Microsoft Visual C/C++ 5.0 or 6.0. This c
onfigures mex to use the selected Microsoft compiler and also installs the n
ecessary add-in files in your Microsoft Visual C/C++ directories. To configu
re the MATLAB add-in for Visual Studio to work with Microsoft Visual C/C++:
Select Tools -> Customize from the MSVC menu. Click on the Add-ins and Macro
Files tab. Click Browse, type <matlab>\bin\win32 as the filename, and selec
t Add-ins (.dll) from the Files of Type pulldown list. Note If Windows is
configured to "hide system files," .dll files will not be displayed even th
ough they are present on disk. You must change your view options to disable
this feature. Select the MATLABAddin.dll file and click Open. Check MATLAB f
or Visual Studio on the Add-ins and Macro Files list and click Close. The fl
oating MATLAB add-in for Visual Studio toolbar appears. The checkmark direct
s MSVC to automatically load the add-in when you start MSVC again. Note T
o run the MATLAB add-in for Visual Studio on Windows 98 systems, add this li
ne to your config.sys file. shell=c:\ /e:32768 /p For addition
al information on the MATLAB add-in for Visual Studio: See the MATLABAddin.h
lp file in the <matlab>\bin\win32 directory, or Click on the Help icon in th
e MATLAB add-in for Visual Studio toolbar.
我的特点:一不浪漫;二不痞;三不帅;四没钱;五太笨;六爱玩;七贪睡; 八九不离十
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香·[FROM:]
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