Matlab 版 (精华区)
发信人: Mathsims (地道的炎黄子孙), 信区: Matlab
标 题: Digest August 2003
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Fri Aug 29 12:22:38 2003) Digest
August 2003
In this Issue:
Digital Filtering with MATLAB
Libquantum: Quantum Simulation Library
Reactis: Simulink/Stateflow Testing Tools
BTI: STL-Compatible Allocator
Free Live Webinars:
+ High-Integrity Code Generation from Simulink
+ Designing Video Applications for TI C6400 DSPs with Simulink
Contribute Your Links
Sign Up for Free Webinars
Digital Filtering with MATLAB
High-Integrity Code Generation from Simulink
Designing Video Applications for TI C6400 DSPs with Simulink
Missed a Previous Webinar?
View our recorded Webinars.
Data Analysis with Statistics and Curve Fitting Toolboxes
Introduction to Wavelets
Controller Tuning and Plant Modelling
Digital Filtering with MATLAB
Discover how the Filter Design Toolbox provides you with advanced techniques f
or designing, simulating, and analyzing digital filters. Register now for this
free Webinar, which will be broadcast on September 9, 2003.
Libquantum: C Library for Quantum Computer Simulations
Libquantum is a C library for the simulation of a quantum computer. It provide
s an interface for a quantum register and for all critical quantum operations.
Libquantum also includes an efficient model for decoherence, enabling quantum
computation analysis under a realistic environment.
Reactis: Testing Tools for Simulink and Stateflow
Reactis is a collection of products that generates and executes test suites fr
om Simulink and Stateflow models. For engineers who design, develop, and test
embedded control applications, it analyzes Simulink and Stateflow models and v
erifies the accuracy of source code implementation of the models.
BTI: STL-Compatible Allocator
BTI offers a replacement thread-safe STL allocator that is suitable for long-r
unning threaded applications, such as daemons. It supports deallocation, inclu
ding threads that did not originally allocate the memory. The allocator also s
upports memory clearing on deallocation, which prevents your data from being s
tored in unused RAM and potentially consumed by other applications.
High-Integrity Code Generation from Simulink
Learn how Simulink code-generation capabilities enable you to test and deploy
high-integrity C code for your embedded production systems. Register now for t
his free Webinar, which will be broadcast live on August 28, 2003.
Designing Video Applications for TI C6400 DSPs with Simulink
See how MathWorks tools can help you design video applications that can be imp
lemented on TI C6400 DSPs. Register now for this free Webinar, which will be b
roadcast live on September 18, 2003.
Contribute Your Links
You can add your favorite technical computing links to To sugge
st a link to our editors, navigate to the relevant section of, c
hoose "Add Link," and enter the URL and a brief description.
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --
MATLAB, Simulink, Stateflow, Handle Graphics, and Real-Time Workshop are regis
tered trademarks, and TargetBox is a trademark of The MathWorks, Inc. Other pr
oduct or brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respecti
ve holders.
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※ 来源:.哈工大紫丁香 [FROM:]
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