Matlab 版 (精华区)
发信人: candle ( 马 走 日), 信区: Matlab
标 题: The MATLAB Compiler
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Fri Dec 17 14:11:36 1999), 转信
The MATLABR Compiler automatically converts
MATLAB M-files to C and C++ code. By using the
Compiler with The MATLAB C/C++ Math and Graphics
Libraries you can automatically convert your MATLAB
applications that contain math and graphics to C and
C++ code for standalone applications.
The MATLAB Compiler, the C/C++ Math Library, and The
C/C++ Graphics Library can be used in combination to
translate M-files into C and C++. Code generated by the
MATLAB Compiler can be embedded into larger applications
or stand by themselves, independent of MATLAB.
Alternatively, you can use the C/C++ Math Library as the
basis for mathematically-intensive programs developed from
scratch in C and C++. By linking these standalone programs
with the MATLAB C/C++ Math Library, you can make the core
math capabilities of MATLAB the foundation for external
In addition, you may freely distribute applications you develop
with MATLAB C/C++ Math Library.
The MATLAB Compiler can automatically translate M-files into:
C functions that run from MATLAB (MEX-files)
Standalone C and C++ functions
C code functions for use with Simulink
The Compiler and Library products offer MATLAB users execution speedups, code
hiding, and the ability to automatically generate standalone C and C++ applications.
By automating the conversion of M-files into C and C++ source code, the MATLAB
Compiler and Math Library eliminate time-consuming and error-prone manual
translation and reduce development time for applications that run outside the
MATLAB environment.
MATLAB Compiler and Math Libraries are available separately or as part of the
C/C++ Compiler Suite and C/C++ Application Development Suite.
"With MATLAB C Compiler and Library we got a working standalone application
in 2 days! The most wonderful thing for me was to be able use automatically
generate source code and get executable using no programming expertise."
- Angela Gomes, Banco Pactual, Brazil
"The new MATLAB Compiler is a dream come true."
- Kathleen M. Splaine, Risk International
Data Sheet Available in PDF
MATLAB Compiler 2.0 and MATLAB C/C++ Math Library 2.0 data sheet (103K).
To learn about 2.0.1 features see What's New.
Product Requirements
To use the MATLAB Compiler and C/C++ Math Library to create standalone
applications, you must have MATLAB 5.3 and one of the following compilers
installed on your system:
MS Visual C++ 4.2, 5.0, or 6.0
WATCOM 10.6 or 11.0
Borland 5.0, 5.02, or 5.3
Native System C or C++ compiler (g++ on Linux only)
Note: Creating Simulink S-functions with the MATLAB Compiler requires Simulink
and a supported system compiler.
------------------- CANDLE --------------------
※ 来源:.紫 丁 香[FROM:]
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