Matlab °æ (¾«»ªÇø)
·¢ÐÅÈË: candle ( Âí ×ß ÈÕ), ÐÅÇø: Matlab
±ê Ìâ: How do I use the eval command?
·¢ÐÅÕ¾: ×Ï ¶¡ Ïã (Fri Dec 24 17:30:50 1999), תÐÅ
The eval command is one of the most powerful and flexible commands in
MATLAB. eval is short for evaluate, which is exactly what it does; it
evaluates MATLAB expressions. Any command you can execute from the
MATLAB prompt, you can use eval to execute the command from an M-file.
Some of the more common uses for eval are to load and save files with
variable filenames, shell out (!, not supported on the Macintosh) to the
operating system, and concatenate strings. It is essential that a user u
the eval statement before using the powerful GUIs provided with MATLAB
4.x because the CallBack, ButtonDownFcn, WindowButtonDownFcn,
WindowButtonMotion, WindowButtonUp, and KeyPressFcn properties are
variations of eval.
Below are some basic examples of how to use eval. These examples will
provide you with the ability to create just about any expression in MATL
EXAMPLE 1: Saving data to incrementally numbered ASCII files, i.e.,
file1, file2, file3, ...
rootname = 'file'; % Root filename
extension = '.dat'; % Extension for the files
% The following loop concatenates the root filename,
% an integer value, and the extension to create the
% file in which the data is saved.
for data = 1:10
filename = [rootname, int2str(data), extension];
eval(['save ', filename , ' data /ascii'])
EXAMPLE 2: Load data from the ASCII files generated above.
rootname = 'file'; % Root filename
extension = '.dat'; % Extension of the files
% The following loop concatenates the root filename,
% an integer value, and the extension to create the
% file to be loaded.
for data = 1:10
variable = [rootname, int2str(data)];
filename = [variable, extension];
eval(['load ', filename])
eval(['data', num2str(data), ' = ', variable, ';'])
eval(['clear ', variable])
EXAMPLE 3: Using eval to print to random files.
rootname = 'fig'; % Root filename
for x = 1:10
plot(rand(x)) % Random plot
filename = [rootname, int2str(x)]; % Concatenate the
% root filename and
% the integer.
eval(['print -pds ',filename]) % Print to the file
% using eval
EXAMPLE 4: Reassign the contents of a variable. In this case, you are
prompted to enter the name of a variable. In order to use the data in th
e M-file,
you must assign the contents of the unknown variable to a known variable
var = magic(10);
<----------------- fun1.m ----------------->
% Enter 'var' as the variable name.
variablename = input('Enter the name of the variable: ','s');
a = eval(variablename); % Reassign the contents of
% variablename to a.
b = 2*a;
EXAMPLE 5: Evaluate a MATLAB command. Generate a bode plot based
on the numerator and denominator entered by the user.
num = input('Enter the numerator: ');
den = input('Enter the denominator: ');
EXAMPLE 6: Converting a numeric string to its numeric value, i.e., conve
'1' to 1.
x = '1';
y = eval(x);
EXAMPLE 7: Error trapping. In MATLAB v4.x, you can trap errors using the
eval command. The following example illustrates this concept.
% CASE 1: A is not defined
clear all
eval('B = A','disp(''A is undefined'')')
% The message "A is undefined" is displayed
% CASE 2: A is defined
A = 1;
eval('B = A','disp(''A is undefined'')')
% The following is displayed in the Command Window:
% B =
% 1
The statement, eval('B = A','disp(''A is undefined'')'), contains
two inputs. The underlying concept here is that eval will try the first
and if an error is detected, it will then use the second input. This met
hod is
referenced as eval(<try>,<catch>).
In this example, the first input, 'B = A' is the primary input. It is th
e input that
eval will attempt to evaluate first. If an error is detected, then the s
input, 'disp(''A is undefined'')', is evaluated.
Examples 1 - 4 use eval to concatenate a series of strings together to f
orm a
MATLAB expression. eval substitutes the value of the variable(s) into th
expression, and then evaluates the entire expression. Understanding this
concept is all you really need to do in order to use the eval command.
Note that the numeric values are converted to strings. This is necessary
because eval only accepts string inputs. Also, it is necessary to conver
numbers to strings because everything inside the brackets, [], must be t
same type. Matrices in MATLAB are either string or numeric.
Example 6 is useful when using editable text blocks for numeric input. S
an editable text block stores its input in its String property, when you
do a
get(h,'String'), a string is returned. By using eval, it is easy to conv
the string to the numeric value.
Another important characteristic of eval is the single quote ('). Exampl
e 7
illustrates this. When a single quote is nested in a string, it must be
defined by
using two single quotes, ''. Note that this is not a double quote. Keepi
ng track
of quotes is extremely important. eval is often used to create very
complicated expressions, which have many single quotes in a row. For
example, eval('disp(''''''This is a string'''''')') displays
'This is a string' in the command window.
There is one trap of which you should be aware, which is using the eval
statement when it is not necessary. For example:
eval(['title(''Plot #', num2str(1), ''')'])
This is the same as the following:
title(['Plot #',num2str(1)])
The latter is much easier to read and write.
Additional functions similar to eval are feval, unix, and dos. feval is
used to
evaluate MATLAB functions. For example, example 5 can be re-written as:
The first input is the name of the function to be evaluated, and subsequ
inputs are the inputs to the function. As you can see, this is much more
unix and dos are used to open UNIX or DOS shells to execute the given
command. For example:
file = input('Enter the file name and extension: ','s');
unix(['lpr -Pprinter ',file])
dos(['copy /b ',file', lpt1'])
This can be re-written using eval:
file = input('Enter the filename and extension: ','s');
eval(['!lpr -Pprinter ',file])
eval(['!copy /b ',file,’ lpt1'])
The only difference between using unix or dos and eval is that with eval
, you
must use the bang (!) to shell out. The unix and dos commands do this
automatically, so it is best to use these commands when shelling out to
operating system.
------------------- CANDLE --------------------
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