Matlab 版 (精华区)
发信人: physics (致命的异常错误发生在 0BB4:2BAD), 信区: MathTools
标 题: Mathematica教程(3)
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Wed Nov 4 21:44:06 1998)
发信人: space (排骨教主), 信区: physics
标 题: math教程(3)
发信站: BBS 曙光站 (Wed Jun 10 13:41:02 1998)
Chapter I. Introduction to Mathematica and to Programming
1. Arithmetic: Syntax, Data Types, Operators, and Expressions
Windows Front End: Working, Saving, Printing
Before we may begin, we must cover a few basics of using Mathematica. The
term front end refers to the user interface of a computer application; in
our case, the "front end" of Mathematica is the layout of the windows, the
menu bar, and the ways in which we input and output data under the Windows
operating system. In this section we cover how to save and print your
Working in and Saving a Mathematica Notebook
You should always personalize a Mathematica document with which you are
working so that it may be easily identified. To do so, you should write
your name (and the name of any of your partners) at the top of the
document. Right now, click in the tiny space above the "Programming
Paradigms..." title above---so that you see a horizontal line---and begin
typing your names. Then scroll back to this cell, if necessary, and read
The procedure to save your work is as follows. Pull down the "File" menu
to "Save As", indicate which drive and folder into you wish to save the
file ("A:" is the floppy disk drive; "M:" is the math section on the
network), and save the file under a name which will distinguish it from
other notebooks. For instance, John Doe might want to save the file as
"L1DOE.MA", indicating John Doe's lesson one. If you have a disk, try to
save this notebook to the "A:" drive. (You can save two copies, one for
each partner.) Otherwise, go through the motions of saving but choose
"Cancel" rather than typing a file name, and take notes on anything in this
section that you type. (You will always be able to get a fresh copy of
this document from the network.)
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