Matlab 版 (精华区)
发信人: physics (致命的异常错误发生在 0BB4:2BAD), 信区: MathTools
标 题: Mathematicaa教程(1)
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Wed Nov 4 21:40:58 1998)
发信人: space (排骨教主), 信区: physics
标 题: mathematica 教程(1)
发信站: BBS 曙光站 (Wed Jun 10 13:36:07 1998)
Programming Paradigms via Mathematica: Table of Contents
Chapter I. Introduction to Mathematica and to Programming
1. Arithmetic: Syntax, Data Types, Operators, and Expressions
Data types, arithmetic types (integers, real numbers), boolean values,
operator precedence, and expressions
2. Course Goals and Themes
Mathematica as an interpreted language, source code, tradeoffs, algorithms,
dynamic programming, Newton's method, NSolve, FindRoot
3. Defining Variables and Functions
Cell styles and groups; Set, SetDelayed, and Equal; formal and actual
incrementing and decrementing variables
Chapter II. List-Based Programming
4. Introduction to Lists and Using Programming Principles
Bottom-up and top-down programming, simulating a student roster;
Table, Range, Sum, Show, Union
5. Lists I: Definitions and Examples
Four programming paradigms, examples of lists used in recursion and iteration;
Length, Part, Position, Map, Reverse, Transpose
6. Lists II: Iterators and List Handlers
Iterators; list-generating functions (List, Table, Range),
list-extracting functions (Part, Take, Drop), ``Verb" vs.~``Adverb" Functions
(Sum vs.~Apply)
7. Lists III: Repetition with Lists
Repetition with feedback, repetition without feedback; Nest, Fold
8. Strings; Strings as Lists
Data types, ASCII codes, special characters, string functions,
strings as lists, converting numeric strings into numbers
Chapter III. Structured Programming: Local, Global, and Anonymous Names
9. Modules
Organization, side effects, constants vs.~variables, nesting, scope I
10. Anonymous Functions
Anonymous functions, compilation II, comparison with ``inline" functions in
using modules vs.~anonymous functions; Select, First, Last, Q functions
Chapter IV. Pattern Matching in Symbolic Programming
11. Pattern Matching and Conditional Evaluation
Pattern matching, multi-clause definition, conditional evaluation, examples
in data type checking and step functions, structured patterns I
12. Structured Patterns
Structured patterns II, patterns with conditions, multipart arguments and
record, optional
13. Reprise: Syntax and Data Types
Reading code, operator associativity, machine- vs.~arbitrary-precision
Chapter V. Conditional and Recursive Programming
14. Conditional Structures
Controlling execution without patterns; If, Which, Switch
15. Review I
16. Recursion I: Passing the Buck
Recursion, examples of recursion, nonexamples of recursion
17. Recursion II: Examples and Dynamic Programming
Dynamic programming, tradeoffs of time vs.~space, examples
Chapter VI. Iteration in Procedural Programming
18. Iterative Loops I: While
Iterative loops, error handling, pitfalls, short-circuit evaluation; While
19. Iterative Loops II: Do, For
Do, For; when to use which iterative structure, examples
20. Arrays and Matrices
Arrays, sizes, initialization, modification
Chapter VII. Technical Programming Concepts
21. Function Calls
Call by value, by reference, tradeoffs of time vs.~space II; HoldAll,
22. Compilation
Compilation III, actual storage data types; Compile, Timing
23. Contexts and Packages
Scope II, default and special contexts, long forms of names
24. Object-Oriented Programming
Basic ideas of OOP, public vs.~private, example of a grade manager
25. Files and Representations of Data
Files, file commands, checking that file is appropriate
Chapter VIII. Toward Other Languages
26. The C Language
Data types, declarations, definitions, control structures, reading C
Chapter IX. Special Topics
27. Fits and Graphics
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