Matlab 版 (精华区)
发信人: ramjet (史努比狗), 信区: Matlab
标 题: 飞行动力学和控制Matlab工具箱
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2001年09月26日15:47:36 星期三), 站内信件
有详细的user maual,和help
The Flight Dynamics and Control (FDC) toolbox for Matlab and Simulink
provides models and tools for flight simulation, flight dynamics
analysis, and flight control system design. The toolbox illustrates
how the flight control system design process can be simplified by
integrating linear design methods in Matlab with and non-linear system
analysis in Simulink.
Its core module is a generic, nonlinear aircraft model that has been
implemented as a Simulink block-diagram. At present, this model has been
configured for the DeHavilland DHC-2 'Beaver' aircraft, though its
modular design makes it relatively easy to implement other airplane
models if desired. The model can be accessed directly from the Matlab
workspace or by means of the graphical user-interface of Simulink, e.g.
for flight-simulation, control system design, or aircraft dynamics
Other modules are: a steady-state flight trimming utility, an aircraft
model linearization tool, radio-navigation models, wind and turbulence
models, several simple open- and closed-loop simulation models, and a
complete implementation of a 'classical' autopilot system for the
'Beaver' aircraft that contains several nonlinear elements.
Extensive on-line help information is available, as well as a detailed
user-manual. This manual contains information about the software, as
well as a theoretical description of all elements from the toolbox. This
makes it also suited as stand-alone reference on flight dynamics and
flight simulation.
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香·[FROM:]
※ 修改:·ramjet 於 09月26日15:48:24 修改本文·[FROM:]
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