Matlab 版 (精华区)
发信人: seesea (小学究), 信区: Matlab
标 题: MATLAB的LMI工具箱函数列表
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2000年10月19日19:23:41 星期四), 站内信件
可参考MATLAB命令窗口的在线帮助(help xxx)。
LMI Toolbox Function List
Version 1.0.4
A. Analysis and Design Tools
Nominal performance measures
norminf - RMS/Hinf gain in continuous time
dnorminf - RMS/Hinf gain in discrete time
norm2 - H2-norm of continuous-time systems
Robustness analysis
quadstab - Quadratic stability
quadperf - Quadratic Hinf performance
pdlstab - Robust stability via parametric Lyapunov functions
popov - Popov criterion for robust stability
decay - Quadratic decay rate
mubnd - Upper bound on the structured singular value
mustab - Robust stability margin (mu)
muperf - Robust Hinf performance (mu)
Hinf design - continuous time
msfsyn - Multi-objective state-feedback design
hinflmi - LMI-based Hinf design
hinfmix - Mixed H2/Hinf design with pole placement
lmireg - Specification of LMI regions for pole placement
hinfric - Riccati-based Hinf design
Hinf design - discrete time
dhinflmi - LMI-based Hinf design
dhinfric - Riccati-based Hinf design
Loop shaping
magshape - GUI for shaping filter specification
sconnect - Specification of general control loops
frfit - Rational fit of frequency response data
Gain scheduling
hinfgs - Gain-scheduled Hinf design
pdsimul - Time response along a given parameter trajectory
sateldem - State-feedback control of a satellite attitude
radardem - Loop-shaping design for a radar antenna
misldem - Gain-scheduled control of a missile autopilot
B. Manipulation of Uncertain Linear Systems
Linear time-invariant systems
ltisys - Store a state-space model as a SYSTEM matrix
ltiss - Extract state-space data from a SYSTEM matrix
ltitf - Compute the transfer function of a SISO system
islsys - Test if input is a SYSTEM matrix
sinfo - System characteristics
sresp - Frequency response of a system
spol - Get system poles
ssub - Extract a subsystem
sinv - Compute the inverse of a system
sbalanc - Numerically balance a state-space realization
splot - Plot time and frequency responses
Polytopic or parameter-dependent systems (P-systems)
psys - Specify a P-system
psinfo - Inquire about a P-system
ispsys - Test if input is a P-system
pvec - Specify a vector of uncertain or time-varying parameters
pvinfo - Read a parameter vector description
polydec - Polytopic coordinates wrt. the parameter box corners
aff2pol - Conversion affine/polytopic for P-systems
pdsimul - Simulation of P-systems along parameter trajectories
Dynamical uncertainty
ublock - Specify an uncertainty block
udiag - Specify block-diagonal uncertainty
uinfo - Display block-diagonal uncertainty descriptions
aff2lft - Linear-fractional representation of affine P-systems
Interconnection of systems
sdiag - Append linear systems
sderiv - Applies proportional-derivative action
sadd - Parallel interconnection of systems
smult - Series interconnection of systems
sloop - Elementary feedback loop
slft - Linear-fractional feedback interconnections
sconnect - Specification of general control loops
Auxilliary functions
care - Solver for continuous-time Riccati equations
dare - Solver for discrete-time Riccati equations
hinfpar - Extract A,B1,B2,... from the plant SYSTEM matrix
(d)goptric - Gamma-iterations (Riccati-based)
(d)goptlmi - Hinf optimization (LMI-based)
kric - Central Hinf controller (Riccati-based)
klmi - Central Hinf controller (LMI-based)
dkcen - Central Hinf controller (discrete-time)
parrott - Static Hinf - Parrott problem
ricpen - Generalized Riccati solver (continuous-time)
dricpen - Generalized Riccati solver (discrete-time)
schrcomp - Schur complement of a symmetric matrix
lnull - Left null space
rnull - Right null space
mdiag - Form block-diagonal matrices
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香·[FROM:]
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