Programming 版 (精华区)
发信人: netiscpu (说不如做), 信区: Programming
标 题: C++ 编程准则与忠告 之 Style
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Sun Jul 26 11:19:05 1998), 转信
6 Style
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6.1 Classes
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Rule 20 The public, protected, and private sections of a class are to
be declared in that order (the public section is declared before the
protected section which is declared before the private section).
Rule 21 No member functions are to be defined within the class
By placing the public section first, everything that is of interest to
a user is gathered in the beginning of the class definition. The
protected section may be of interest to designers when considering
inheriting from the class. The private section contains details that
should have the least general interest.
A member function that is defined within a class definition
automatically becomes inline. Class definitions are less compact and
more difficult to read when they include definitions of member
functions. It is easier for an inline member function to become an
ordinary member function if the definition of the inline function is
placed outside of the class definition. This rule will be in effect at
least as long as traditional text editors are used.
A similar problem is that members are private if no access specifier
is explicitly given. This problem is avoided by following Rule 20.
Exception to Rule 20: No exceptions.
Exception to Rule 21: No exceptions.
Example 15 A class definition in accordance with the style rules
class String : private Object
String(); // Default constructor
String( const String& s ); // Copy constructor
unsigned length() const;
// ...
int checkIndex( unsigned index ) const;
// ...
unsigned noOfChars;
// ...
Example 16 No definitions of member functions within the class
definition (See Example 1)
// Instead of writing like this:
class String
int length() const // No !!
return len;
// ...
int len;
// Do it this way:
class String
int length() const;
// ...
int len;
String::length() const
return len;
6.2 Functions
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Rec. 20 Always provide the return type of a function explicitly.
Rec. 21 When declaring functions, the leading parenthesis and the
first argument (if any) are to be written on the same line as the
function name. If space permits, other arguments and the closing
parenthesis may also be written on the same line as the function name.
Otherwise, each additional argument is to be written on a separate
line (with the closing parenthesis directly after the last argument).
Rec. 22 In a function definition, the return type of the function
should be written on a separate line directly above the function name.
Rec. 23 Always write the left parenthesis directly after a function
If no return type is explicitly provided for a function, it is, by
default, an int. It is recommended to always provide the return type
explicitly, to increase the readability of the code. By defining the
return type on a separate line directly above the function definition,
the function name is more easily seen.
The other recommendations are meant to give a uniform appearance to
the code that is written. Until such time as formatting tools are
available, programmers should follow these guidelines.
Example 17 The left parenthesis always directly after the function
void foo (); // No!!
void foo(); // Better
Example 18 Right and wrong ways of declaring formal arguments for a
function (in function definition)
// Right:
myComplicatedFunction( unsigned unsignedValue,
int intValue,
char* charPointerValue,
int* intPointerValue,
myClass* myClassPointerValue,
unsigned* unsignedPointerValue );
// Wrong:
myComplicatedFunction( unsigned unsignedValue, int intValue,
char* charPointerValue, int* intPointerValue, myClass* myClassPointerValue,
unsigned* unsignedPointerValue );
6.3 Compound Statements
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Rec. 24 Braces ("{}") which enclose a block are to be placed in the
same column, on separate lines directly before and after the block.
The placement of braces seems to have been the subject of the greatest
debate concerning the appearance of both C and C++ code. We recommend
the style which, in our opinion, gives the most readable code. Other
styles may well provide more compact code.
6.4 Flow Control Statements
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Rec. 25 The flow control primitives if, else, while, for and do
should be followed by a block, even if it is an empty block.
At times, everything that is to be done in a loop may be easily
written on one line in the loop statement itself. It may then be
tempting to conclude the statement with a semicolon at the end of the
line. This may lead to misunderstanding since, when reading the code,
it is easy to miss such a semicolon. It seems to be better, in such
cases, to place an empty block after the statement to make completely
clear what the code is doing.
Example 19 Flow control structure without statements
// No block at all - No!
while ( /* Something */ );
// Empty block - better!
while ( /* Something */ )
// Empty !
6.5 Pointers and References
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Rec. 26 The dereference operator `*' and the address-of operator `&'
should be directly connected with the type names in declarations and
The characters `*' and `&' should be written together with the types
of variables instead of with the names of variables in order to
emphasize that they are part of the type definition. Instead of saying
that *i is an int, say that i is an int*.
Traditionally, C recommendations indicate that `*' should be written
together with the variable name, since this reduces the probability of
making a mistake when declaring several variables in the same
declaration statement (the operator `*' only applies to the variable
on which it operates). Since the declaration of several variables in
the same statement is not recommended, however, such a advice is
Example 20 * and & together with the type
// Something
char* userName = 0;
int sfBook = 42;
int& anIntRef = sfBook;
Example 21 Declaration of several variables in the same statement
char* i,j; // i is declared pointer to char, while j is declared char
6.6 Miscellaneous
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Rec. 27 Do not use spaces around `.' or `->', nor between unary
operators and operands.
Rec. 28 Use the c++ mode in GNU Emacs to format code.
In our opinion, code is more readable if spaces are not used around
the . or -> operators. The same applies to unary operators (those that
operate on one operand), since a space may give the impression that
the unary operand is actually a binary operator.
Ordinary spaces should be used instead of tabs. Since different
editors treat tab characters differently, the work in perfecting a
layout may have been wasted if another editor is later used. Tab
characters can be removed using the UNIX command expand. One
alternative is to format code using the editor GNU Emacs.
We recommend that everyone use GNU Emacs to format code. Code will
then have a uniform appearance regardless of who has written it.
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※ 来源:.紫 丁 香[FROM:]
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