Programming 版 (精华区)
发信人: netiscpu (说不如做), 信区: Programming
标 题: C++ 编程准则与忠告 之 Type Conversions
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Sun Jul 26 11:23:02 1998), 转信
13 Type Conversions
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Rule 43 Never use explicit type conversions (casts).
Rule 44 Do not write code which depends on functions that use
implicit type conversions.
Rule 45 Never convert pointers to objects of a derived class to
pointers to objects of a virtual base class.
Rule 46 Never convert a const to a non-const.
A type conversion may either be explicit or implicit, depending on
whether it is ordered by the programmer or by the compiler. Explicit
type conversions (casts) are used when a programmer want to get around
the compiler's typing system; for success in this endeavour, the
programmer must use them correctly. Problems which the compiler avoids
may arise, such as if the processor demands that data of a given type
be located at certain addresses or if data is truncated because a data
type does not have the same size as the original type on a given
platform. Explicit type conversions between objects of different types
lead, at best, to code that is difficult to read.
Explicit type conversions (casts) can be motivated if a base class
pointer to a derived class pointer is needed. This happens when, for
example, a heterogeneous container class is used to implement a
container class to store pointers to derived class objects. This new
class can be made "type-safe" if the programmer excludes other objects
than derived class pointers from being stored. In order for this
implementation to work, it is necessary that the base class pointers
are converted to derived class pointers when they are removed from the
heterogeneous container class.
The above reason for using explicit casts will hopefully disappear
when templates are introduced into C++.
It is sometimes said that explicit casts are to object-oriented
programming, what the goto statement was to structured programming.
There are two kinds of implicit type conversions: either there is a
conversion function from one type to another, written by the
programmer, or the compiler does it according to the language
standard. Both cases can lead to problems.
C++ is lenient concerning the variables that may be used as arguments
to functions. If there is no function which exactly matches the types
of the arguments, the compiler attempts to convert types to find a
match. The disadvantage in this is that if more than one matching
function is found, a compilation error will be the result. Even worse
is that existing code which the compiler has allowed in other
contexts, may contain errors when a new implicit type conversion is
added to the code. Suddenly, there may be more than one matching
Another unpredictable effect of implicit type conversions is that
temporary objects are created during the conversion. This object is
then the argument to the function; not the original object. The
language definition forbids the assignment of temporary objects to
non-constant references, but most compilers still permit this. In most
cases, this can mean that the program does not work properly. Be
careful with constructors that use only one argument, since this
introduces a new type conversion which the compiler can unexpectedly
use when it seems reasonable in a given situation.
Virtual base classes give rise to other type conversion problems. It
is possible to convert a pointer, to an instance of a class which has
a virtual base class, to a pointer to an object of that virtual base
class. The opposite conversion is not allowed, i.e. the type
conversion is not reversible. For this reason, we do not recommend the
conversion of a derived class pointer to a virtual base class pointer.
In order to return a non-const temporary object, it sometimes happens
that an explicit type conversion is used to convert const member data
to non-const. This is bad practice that should be avoided, primarily
because it should be possible for a compiler to allocate constants in
ROM (Read Only Memory).
Exception to Rule 43: An explicit type conversion (cast) is preferable
to a doubtful implicit type conversion.
Explicit type conversions may be used to convert a pointer to a base
class to a pointer of a derived class within a type-safe container
class that is implemented using a heterogeneous container class.
Explicit type conversion must be used to convert an anonymous
bit-stream to an object. This situation occurs when unpacking a
message in a message buffer. Generally, explicit type conversions are
needed for reading an external representation of an object.
Exception to Rule 44: At times it is desirable to have constructors
that use only one argument. By performing an explicit type conversion,
the correctness of the code does not depend on the addition. See the
Exception to Rule 22!
Exception to Rule 45: If a virtual base class is to contain a pure
virtual function which converts a virtual base class pointer to a
derived class pointer, this can be made to work by defining the
function in the derived class. Note that this implies that all derived
classes must be known in the virtual base class. See Example 52!
Exception to Rule 46: No exceptions. Use pointers to data allocated
outside the class, when necessary. See Example 54 and Example 55.
Example 49 Constructors with a single argument that may imply
dangerous type conversions
class String
String( int length ); // Allocation constructor
// ...
// Function that receives an object of type String as an argument
void foo( const String& aString );
// Here we call this function with an int as argument
int x = 100;
foo( x ); // Implicit conversion: foo( String( x ) );
Example 50 A use of implicit type conversion
// String.hh
class String
String( char* cp ); // Constructor
operator const char* () const; // Conversion operator to const char*
// ...
void foo( const String& aString );
void bar( const char* someChars );
foo( "hello" ); // Implicit type conversion char* -> String
String peter = "pan";
bar( peter ); // Implicit type conversion String -> const char*
Example 51 When implicit type conversion gives unpleasant results
// This function looks bulletproof, but it isn't.
// Newer versions of compilers should flag this as an error.
mySwap( int& x, int& y )
int temp = x;
x = y;
y = temp;
int i = 10;
unsigned int ui = 20;
mySwap( i, ui ); // What really happens here is:
// int T = int( ui ); // Implicit conversion
// mySwap( i, T ); // ui is of course not changed!
// Fortunately, the compiler warns for this !
Example 52 Conversion of derived class pointer to a virtual base
class pointer is irreversible
class VirtualBase
virtual class Derived* asDerived() = 0;
class Derived : virtual public VirtualBase
virtual Derived* asDerived();
return this;
Derived d;
Derived* dp = 0;
VirtualBase* vp = (VirtualBase*)&d;
dp = (Derived*)vp; // ERROR! Cast from virtual base class pointer
dp = vp->asDerived(); // OK! Cast in function asDerived
Example 53 Addition which leads to a compile-time error
// String.hh
class String
String( char* cp ); // Constructor
operator const char* () const; // Conversion operator to const char*
// ...
void foo( const String& aString );
void bar( const char* someChars );
// Word.hh
class Word
Word( char* cp ); // Constructor
// ...
// Function foo overloaded
void foo( const Word& aWord );
// ERROR: foo( "hello" ) MATCHES BOTH:
// void foo( const String& );
// AND void foo( const Word& );
foo( "hello" ); // Error ambiguous type conversion !
String peter = "pan";
bar( peter ); // Implicit type conversion String -> const char*
Example 54 For more efficient execution, remove const-ness when
storing intermediate results
// This is code is NOT recommended
class Vector
Vector(int, const int []); // Constructor
double length() const; // length = sqrt(array[1]*array[1] + ... )
void set(int x, int value);
// ...
int size;
int* array;
double lengthCache; // to cache calculated length
int hasChanged; // is it necessary to re-calculate length ?
Vector::length() const
if (hasChanged) // Do we need to re-calculate length
((Vector*)this)->hasChanged=0; // No! Cast away const
double quadLength = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i<size; i++ )
quadLength += pow(array[i],2);
((Vector*)this)->lengthCache = sqrt(quadLength); // No! Cast away const
return lengthCache;
Vector::set( int nr, int value )
if ( nr >= size ) error( "Out Of Bounds");
hasChanged = 1;
Example 55 Alternative to removing const-ness for more efficient
// This is code is safer than Example 54 but could be inefficient
class Vector
Vector(int, const int []); // Constructor
double length() const; // length = sqrt(array[1]*array[1] + ... )
void set(int x, int value);
// ...
int size;
int* array;
double* lengthCache; // to cache length in
int* hasChanged; // is it necessary to re-calculate length ?
Vector::Vector(int sizeA, const int arrayA[])
: size(sizeA), array( new int[sizeA] ),
hasChanged(new int(1)), lengthCache(new double)
for ( int i = 0; i<size; i++ )
array[i] = arrayA[i];
Vector::~Vector() // Destructor
delete array;
delete hasChanged;
delete lengthCache;
// Continue on next page !
Vector::length() const
if (hasChanged) // Do we need to re-calculate length ?
double quadLength = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i<size; i++ )
quadLength += pow(array[i],2);
*lengthCache = sqrt(quadLength);
return lengthCache;
Vector::set( int nr, int value )
if ( nr >= size ) error( "Out Of Bounds");
*hasChanged = 1;
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※ 来源:.紫 丁 香[FROM:]
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