Programming 版 (精华区)
发信人: JJason (C++ Primer), 信区: Programming
标 题: CUJ 2002年12期目录
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2002年11月22日09:43:50 星期五), 站内信件
CUJ 2002年12月号 Current Issue
Internet & Network Programming
Fast UDP-Based Network Storage
Tim Kientzle
If network performance is critical, you can bypass that database of yours
with this clever approach.
A Templated Library for Fast Multiplexing
Christopher Rooney
If the number of your network connections hits the stratosphere, then you
need this.
Adaptable-Size Classes
Julian Bushell
Save space by letting the C++ template facility generate classes with only
the data you need.
C/C++ Tip #10: Efficient Integer to String Conversions
Matthew Wilson
The fastest to_string in town.
How to Use Tcl and C Together
Cameron Laird
Mixing Tcl and C/C++ just got a whole lot easier.
C/C++ Tip #11: Overwrite Iterator
Ray Virzi
A very handy iterator that saves heap operations.
Steve Dewhurst
Common Knowledge — A Bitwise typeof Operator, Part 3
As Steve finishes his singular implementation of a typeof operator, you’ll
see why the C++ language needs this feature. It’s too hard to get right!
Andrew Koenig & Barbara E. Moo
C++ Made Easier — Handles and Exception Safety, Part 3: Non-Intrusive
Reference Counting
More wisdom on using abstraction to achieve exception-safe designs.
Thomas Becker
STL & Generic Programming —Typelists
Variable-length template argument lists are a cinch with this fundamental
metaprogramming technique.
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