SoftEng 版 (精华区)
发信人: Sun (大灯泡), 信区: SoftEng
标 题: rose与vc5.0协同设计(一)
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Wed Apr 5 16:40:51 2000), 转信
发信人: longlife (牛牛), 信区: SoftEng
标 题: rose与vc5.0协同设计(一)
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Fri Nov 6 12:40:13 1998)
Tutorial: Rose 98 with Visual C++ 5.0
This tutorial will go through an example of doing round trip between
Rose and Visual C++ 5.0. The procedure for this is:
Build your Rose model as usual
Using the AppWizard in Visual C++, generate a basic VC++ project
Code cycle the VC++ project
Analyze and export the VC++ project and bring it into Rose
Edit your Rose model
Generate these changes back into your Visual C++ project
Do changes in your VC++ project (Edit compile test)
Go to 4 until done
This tutorial will cover steps 2-8. Although this tutorial is written
for MFC, the same principles apply for ATL and other VC++ projects.
Create an MFC app in Visual C++ 5.0
Create a new directory for your MFC project, for example D:\cpptut
Launch Visual C++ (Close any open Workspaces (if any))
In Visual C++, do a File | New... and create a new MFC executable named
RoseMFC using the MFC Appwizard (.exe). Choose cpptut\Rosemfc as the
location for the project. Make sure the Win32 box is checked. Do OK to
go to the next screen of the Wizard.
click to enlarge
[Wizard screen Step 1] Choose to create a Multiple Document Interface
application. Click Next.
[Wizard screen Step 2] Use the "None" option for data base support.
Click Next.
[Wizard screen Step 3] Choose "None" for container support. Make sure
ActiveX control is on. Click Next.
[Wizard screen Step 4] Choose "Docking Toolbar", "Initial Status Bar",
and "3D Controls" for the project. Choose a file history of 4. Click
[Wizard screen Step 5] Choose to generate source file comments and MFC
as a Shared DLL. Click next.
[Wizard screen Step 6] Choose "Finish".
[Wizard Confirmation Dialog] Make sure the project is going to the
correct location, if it is, Choose "OK", otherwise choose cancel and go
back to step 4.
Your MFC app has now been generated. If you wish, now is a good time to
put all your files under version control as your first baseline.
Now you need to build your app. On the menu select Build | Build
RoseMFC.exe. This should compile your app.
click to enlarge
When the "RoseMFC.exe - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)" message appears you
have a completed MFC app
Test execute the application with the menu selection Build | Execute.
The app doesn't do much but, you can exit it with the menu File | Exit.
You've made a test MFC app, now you ready to code cycle it.
click to enlarge
Setup Rose Analyzer
Launch the Rose analyzer
Make sure you have turned on the new ANSI C++ features like bool etc,
by Edit | Preferences and have
Open the MFC template project by choosing the File | Open menu
selection. Go to the directory where you have installed Rose and choose
the file c++\projects\mfc50app.pjt
Typically, the analyzer will now ask for a series of pathnames for
setup, if you've already tried to reverse engineer a project, this may
already be done.
Remap $ROSECPPHOME to your c++ directory under your rose install
Remap $MFC50 to the mfc\include directory in your Visual C++ install
Remap $DATA to a place where you will keep data files like \cpptut\data
Remap $DESIGN to a place where you will keep design files like
Remap $ATL50 to the atl\include directory in your Visual C++ install
Remap $MSVC50 to the include directory in your Visual C++ install
※ 来源:·BBS 水木清华站·[FROM:]
※ 来源:.紫 丁 香[FROM:]
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