SoftEng 版 (精华区)
发信人: Sun (大灯泡), 信区: SoftEng
标 题: rose与vc5.0协同设计(二)
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Wed Apr 5 16:41:10 2000), 转信
发信人: longlife (牛牛), 信区: SoftEng
标 题: rose与vc5.0协同设计(二)
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Fri Nov 6 12:41:46 1998)
You can now rename this project using the "Caption..." button to change
the caption for the mfc50app project to "RoseMFC Sample application."
Do a File | Save As... and save the project as roseMFC.pjt
Use the "Directories..." button to set the directory for you MFC
project, it should be \cpptut\rosemfc
Use the "Extensions..." button to set the extensions for this project,
since we're code cycling we need both the .h and .cpp extensions in the
project. Analysis only will only require the .h files.
Use the "Files..." button to select the Project files. Hitting the "Add
All" button should be all it takes to put all of the files in the list.
In the files window select all of the files in the Files window
Use Actions | Set Type | Type 2 to set all of the application files to
Type 2 (context sensitive, project specific), and set the stdafx.h and
stdafx.cpp as type 1 (context insensitive, reused in many projects).
The following files should also be marked "Do Not Regenerate" (R with
red backslash): stdafx.h; stdafx.cpp; resource.h; rosemfc.h:
rosemfc.cpp. These files contain no classes and so do not participate
in round-trip engineering. In particular they do not need to be
click to enlarge
Code cycle the project with the Action | Code Cycle selection. Answer
OK to the query about allowing Rose to modify the source files. Rose
will now update these files so it can regenerate into them.
Now analyze the project with the Action | Analyze selection.
Get a glass of tasty fruit juice while you wait for the analysis to
complete. If this is your first code cycling, this should take about 7
minutes on a 166MHz PC with 128MB. If you have analyzed stdafx.h
earlier, it should take less than a minute.
This should go through smoothly, check the log. If this is the first
time you analyze stdafx.h and std.afx.cpp you should get 14 errors and
2 warnings, don抰 panic - as long as all of the files in your project
have a status of CodeCycled, you should be OK. Save your project file
by doing File:Save. (Note that you have now updated your MFC project
automatically with preserved regions and you will get asked in
Devstudio if you want to reload the changes.)
※ 来源:·BBS 水木清华站·[FROM:]
※ 来源:.紫 丁 香[FROM:]
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