SoftEng 版 (精华区)
发信人: Sun (大灯泡), 信区: SoftEng
标 题: rose和vc5.0协同设计(三)
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Wed Apr 5 16:41:32 2000), 转信
发信人: longlife (牛牛), 信区: SoftEng
标 题: rose和vc5.0协同设计(三)
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Fri Nov 6 12:43:22 1998)
click to enlarge
Before we export the code-cycled project to Rose98 do Edit:Export to
Rose to review how Rose will interpret the C++ project under different
Option Sets. If you wish you can change some of these settings, but we
will use the default values for now. Exit this dialog by clicking
click to enlarge
We are now ready to export by using the Actions | Export to Rose
option. (Make sure you have all files selected.) Select the
"DetailedAnalysis" Option set. This will create a new model file with
the .mdl extension. (If you already have a model you want to merge
into, select RoundTrip, and then you will get a .red file for updating
your model.) Click OK to output a rose model of the project.
This should take about a minute. There may be warnings (6 in our
example) in this step due to undefined MFC macros etc, this is OK. We
will later show how to fix this.
Save the Rose MFC project with File | Save
Reviewing and modifying your project in Rose
Open up Rose 98
Grab your reverse engineered model using File:Open (if you chose
RoundTrip earlier, use File | Update) from the directory where you have
your $DESIGN set to, in our case \cpptut. The file has a .mdl extension
if you did DetailedAnalysis (.red if you had RoundTrip selected).
You can double click on the RoseMFC package to see the details of your
application. To format it nicely, select Tools:AutoSize All, and then
Tools:Layout Diagram.
※ 来源:·BBS 水木清华站·[FROM:]
※ 来源:.紫 丁 香[FROM:]
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