VB 版 (精华区)
发信人: Friend (沙漠绿洲), 信区: VisualBasic
标 题: Avoiding the Top-Ten Design Mistakes(1)
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Thu Jun 24 10:04:44 1999), 转信
发信站: 饮水思源站 (Sun May 30 15:07:25 1999) , 站内信件
1) The design did not deliver what the customer wanted.
In many cases, this is because the customer did not know
what they wanted until you didn't give it to them. In
other words, they knew what they didn't want, but they
did not have a really firm grip on what they did want.
Generally, this is the result of an implementation without
a specification. When one creates a specification, one
has to study what needs to be done-and come to an understanding
about the end result. The designer and the customer must
come to a common understanding about what the end-result will
look like. Take Noah for example. If Noah did not know what a
cubit was, his design could have forced the project over the
allotted time-and where would we be if he was still wrangling
with his gopher-wood supplier when the rains started?
※ 来源:·饮水思源站 bbs.sjtu.edu.cn·[FROM:]
☆ 来源:.哈工大紫丁香 bbs.hit.edu.cn.[FROM: Friendsp.bbs@bbs.sjt]
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