Virus 版 (精华区)

发信人: Kernel (Kermit), 信区: Virus
标  题: Windows 系统调用功能列表(zz)
发信站: BBS 哈工大紫丁香站 (Mon May 24 12:56:20 2004)

Windows 系统调用功能列表

    Ralf Brown曾经维护过一份中断列表,其中包含了Windows NT 4 int 2e的调用表。

但是Windows 2000的int 2e调用和Windows NT 4已经完全不一样了,并且从Windows XP
开始,微软用更快速的所谓“Fast System Call”指令取代了int 2e。下面是我抽取的
Windows 2000、Windows XP、Windows 2003的所有系统调用功能号列表,也包括来自于
Ralf Brown的Windows NT 4 int 2e调用表。

Windows 2000 int 2e 功能表
EAX = function number
EDX = address of parameter block
0x0   AcceptConnectPort
0x1   AccessCheck
0x2   AccessCheckAndAuditAlarm
0x3   AccessCheckByType
0x4   AccessCheckByTypeAndAuditAlarm
0x5   AccessCheckByTypeResultList
0x6   AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarm
0x7   AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmByHandle
0x8   AddAtom
0x9   AdjustGroupsToken
0xa   AdjustPrivilegesToken
0xb   AlertResumeThread
0xc   AlertThread
0xd   AllocateLocallyUniqueId
0xe   AllocateUserPhysicalPages
0xf   AllocateUuids
0x10  AllocateVirtualMemory
0x11  AreMappedFilesTheSame
0x12  AssignProcessToJobObject
0x13  CallbackReturn
0x14  CancelIoFile
0x15  CancelTimer
0x16  CancelDeviceWakeupRequest
0x17  ClearEvent
0x18  Close
0x19  CloseObjectAuditAlarm
0x1a  CompleteConnectPort
0x1b  ConnectPort
0x1c  Continue
0x1d  CreateDirectoryObject
0x1e  CreateEvent
0x1f  CreateEventPair
0x20  CreateFile
0x21  CreateIoCompletion
0x22  CreateJobObject
0x23  CreateKey
0x24  CreateMailslotFile
0x25  CreateMutant
0x26  CreateNamedPipeFile
0x27  CreatePagingFile
0x28  CreatePort
0x29  CreateProcess
0x2a  CreateProfile
0x2b  CreateSection
0x2c  CreateSemaphore
0x2d  CreateSymbolicLinkObject
0x2e  CreateThread
0x2f  CreateTimer
0x30  CreateToken
0x31  CreateWaitablePort
0x32  DelayExecution
0x33  DeleteAtom
0x34  DeleteFile
0x35  DeleteKey
0x36  DeleteObjectAuditAlarm
0x37  DeleteValueKey
0x38  DeviceIoControlFile
0x39  DisplayString
0x3a  DuplicateObject
0x3b  DuplicateToken
0x3c  EnumerateKey
0x3d  EnumerateValueKey
0x3e  ExtendSection
0x3f  FilterToken
0x40  FindAtom
0x41  FlushBuffersFile
0x42  FlushInstructionCache
0x43  FlushKey
0x44  FlushVirtualMemory
0x45  FlushWriteBuffer
0x46  FreeUserPhysicalPages
0x47  FreeVirtualMemory
0x48  FsControlFile
0x49  GetContextThread
0x4a  GetDevicePowerState
0x4b  GetPlugPlayEvent
0x4c  GetTickCount
0x4d  GetWriteWatch
0x4e  ImpersonateAnonymousToken
0x4f  ImpersonateClientOfPort
0x50  ImpersonateThread
0x51  InitializeRegistry
0x52  InitiatePowerAction
0x53  IsSystemResumeAutomatic
0x54  ListenPort
0x55  LoadDriver
0x56  LoadKey
0x57  LoadKey2
0x58  LockFile
0x59  LockVirtualMemory
0x5a  MakeTemporaryObject
0x5b  MapUserPhysicalPages
0x5c  MapUserPhysicalPagesScatter
0x5d  MapViewOfSection
0x5e  NotifyChangeDirectoryFile
0x5f  NotifyChangeKey
0x60  NotifyChangeMultipleKeys
0x61  OpenDirectoryObject
0x62  OpenEvent
0x63  OpenEventPair
0x64  OpenFile
0x65  OpenIoCompletion
0x66  OpenJobObject
0x67  OpenKey
0x68  OpenMutant
0x69  OpenObjectAuditAlarm
0x6a  OpenProcess
0x6b  OpenProcessToken
0x6c  OpenSection
0x6d  OpenSemaphore
0x6e  OpenSymbolicLinkObject
0x6f  OpenThread
0x70  OpenThreadToken
0x71  OpenTimer
0x72  PlugPlayControl
0x73  PowerInformation
0x74  PrivilegeCheck
0x75  PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm
0x76  PrivilegeObjectAuditAlarm
0x77  ProtectVirtualMemory
0x78  PulseEvent
0x79  QueryInformationAtom
0x7a  QueryAttributesFile
0x7b  QueryDefaultLocale
0x7c  QueryDefaultUILanguage
0x7d  QueryDirectoryFile
0x7e  QueryDirectoryObject
0x7f  QueryEaFile
0x80  QueryEvent
0x81  QueryFullAttributesFile
0x82  QueryInformationFile
0x83  QueryInformationJobObject
0x84  QueryIoCompletion
0x85  QueryInformationPort
0x86  QueryInformationProcess
0x87  QueryInformationThread
0x88  QueryInformationToken
0x89  QueryInstallUILanguage
0x8a  QueryIntervalProfile
0x8b  QueryKey
0x8c  QueryMultipleValueKey
0x8d  QueryMutant
0x8e  QueryObject
0x8f  QueryOpenSubKeys
0x90  QueryPerformanceCounter
0x91  QueryQuotaInformationFile
0x92  QuerySection
0x93  QuerySecurityObject
0x94  QuerySemaphore
0x95  QuerySymbolicLinkObject
0x96  QuerySystemEnvironmentValue
0x97  QuerySystemInformation
0x98  QuerySystemTime
0x99  QueryTimer
0x9a  QueryTimerResolution
0x9b  QueryValueKey
0x9c  QueryVirtualMemory
0x9d  QueryVolumeInformationFile
0x9e  QueueApcThread
0x9f  RaiseException
0xa0  RaiseHardError
0xa1  ReadFile
0xa2  ReadFileScatter
0xa3  ReadRequestData
0xa4  ReadVirtualMemory
0xa5  RegisterThreadTerminatePort
0xa6  ReleaseMutant
0xa7  ReleaseSemaphore
0xa8  RemoveIoCompletion
0xa9  ReplaceKey
0xaa  ReplyPort
0xab  ReplyWaitReceivePort
0xac  ReplyWaitReceivePortEx
0xad  ReplyWaitReplyPort
0xae  RequestDeviceWakeup
0xaf  RequestPort
0xb0  RequestWaitReplyPort
0xb1  RequestWakeupLatency
0xb2  ResetEvent
0xb3  ResetWriteWatch
0xb4  RestoreKey
0xb5  ResumeThread
0xb6  SaveKey
0xb7  SaveMergedKeys
0xb8  SecureConnectPort
0xb9  SetIoCompletion
0xba  SetContextThread
0xbb  SetDefaultHardErrorPort
0xbc  SetDefaultLocale
0xbd  SetDefaultUILanguage
0xbe  SetEaFile
0xbf  SetEvent
0xc0  SetHighEventPair
0xc1  SetHighWaitLowEventPair
0xc2  SetInformationFile
0xc3  SetInformationJobObject
0xc4  SetInformationKey
0xc5  SetInformationObject
0xc6  SetInformationProcess
0xc7  SetInformationThread
0xc8  SetInformationToken
0xc9  SetIntervalProfile
0xca  SetLdtEntries
0xcb  SetLowEventPair
0xcc  SetLowWaitHighEventPair
0xcd  SetQuotaInformationFile
0xce  SetSecurityObject
0xcf  SetSystemEnvironmentValue
0xd0  SetSystemInformation
0xd1  SetSystemPowerState
0xd2  SetSystemTime
0xd3  SetThreadExecutionState
0xd4  SetTimer
0xd5  SetTimerResolution
0xd6  SetUuidSeed
0xd7  SetValueKey
0xd8  SetVolumeInformationFile
0xd9  ShutdownSystem
0xda  SignalAndWaitForSingleObject
0xdb  StartProfile
0xdc  StopProfile
0xdd  SuspendThread
0xde  SystemDebugControl
0xdf  TerminateJobObject
0xe0  TerminateProcess
0xe1  TerminateThread
0xe2  TestAlert
0xe3  UnloadDriver
0xe4  UnloadKey
0xe5  UnlockFile
0xe6  UnlockVirtualMemory
0xe7  UnmapViewOfSection
0xe8  VdmControl
0xe9  WaitForMultipleObjects
0xea  WaitForSingleObject
0xeb  WaitHighEventPair
0xec  WaitLowEventPair
0xed  WriteFile
0xee  WriteFileGather
0xef  WriteRequestData
0xf0  WriteVirtualMemory
0xf1  CreateChannel
0xf2  ListenChannel
0xf3  OpenChannel
0xf4  ReplyWaitSendChannel
0xf5  SendWaitReplyChannel
0xf6  SetContextChannel
0xf7  YieldExecution

Windows XP sysenter 功能表
0x0    AcceptConnectPort
0x1    AccessCheck
0x2    AccessCheckAndAuditAlarm
0x3    AccessCheckByType
0x4    AccessCheckByTypeAndAuditAlarm
0x5    AccessCheckByTypeResultList
0x6    AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarm
0x7    AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmByHandle
0x8    AddAtom
0x9    AddBootEntry
0xa    AdjustGroupsToken
0xb    AdjustPrivilegesToken
0xc    AlertResumeThread
0xd    AlertThread
0xe    AllocateLocallyUniqueId
0xf    AllocateUserPhysicalPages
0x10   AllocateUuids
0x11   AllocateVirtualMemory
0x12   AreMappedFilesTheSame
0x13   AssignProcessToJobObject
0x14   CallbackReturn
0x15   CancelDeviceWakeupRequest
0x16   CancelIoFile
0x17   CancelTimer
0x18   ClearEvent
0x19   Close
0x1a   CloseObjectAuditAlarm
0x1b   CompactKeys
0x1c   CompareTokens
0x1d   CompleteConnectPort
0x1e   CompressKey
0x1f   ConnectPort
0x20   Continue
0x21   CreateDebugObject
0x22   CreateDirectoryObject
0x23   CreateEvent
0x24   CreateEventPair
0x25   CreateFile
0x26   CreateIoCompletion
0x27   CreateJobObject
0x28   CreateJobSet
0x29   CreateKey
0x2a   CreateMailslotFile
0x2b   CreateMutant
0x2c   CreateNamedPipeFile
0x2d   CreatePagingFile
0x2e   CreatePort
0x2f   CreateProcess
0x30   CreateProcessEx
0x31   CreateProfile
0x32   CreateSection
0x33   CreateSemaphore
0x34   CreateSymbolicLinkObject
0x35   CreateThread
0x36   CreateTimer
0x37   CreateToken
0x38   CreateWaitablePort
0x39   DebugActiveProcess
0x3a   DebugContinue
0x3b   DelayExecution
0x3c   DeleteAtom
0x3d   DeleteBootEntry
0x3e   DeleteFile
0x3f   DeleteKey
0x40   DeleteObjectAuditAlarm
0x41   DeleteValueKey
0x42   DeviceIoControlFile
0x43   DisplayString
0x44   DuplicateObject
0x45   DuplicateToken
0x46   EnumerateBootEntries
0x47   EnumerateKey
0x48   EnumerateSystemEnvironmentValuesEx
0x49   EnumerateValueKey
0x4a   ExtendSection
0x4b   FilterToken
0x4c   FindAtom
0x4d   FlushBuffersFile
0x4e   FlushInstructionCache
0x4f   FlushKey
0x50   FlushVirtualMemory
0x51   FlushWriteBuffer
0x52   FreeUserPhysicalPages
0x53   FreeVirtualMemory
0x54   FsControlFile
0x55   GetContextThread
0x56   GetDevicePowerState
0x57   GetPlugPlayEvent
0x58   GetWriteWatch
0x59   ImpersonateAnonymousToken
0x5a   ImpersonateClientOfPort
0x5b   ImpersonateThread
0x5c   InitializeRegistry
0x5d   InitiatePowerAction
0x5e   IsProcessInJob
0x5f   IsSystemResumeAutomatic
0x60   ListenPort
0x61   LoadDriver
0x62   LoadKey
0x63   LoadKey2
0x64   LockFile
0x65   LockProductActivationKeys
0x66   LockRegistryKey
0x67   LockVirtualMemory
0x68   MakePermanentObject
0x69   MakeTemporaryObject
0x6a   MapUserPhysicalPages
0x6b   MapUserPhysicalPagesScatter
0x6c   MapViewOfSection
0x6d   ModifyBootEntry
0x6e   NotifyChangeDirectoryFile
0x6f   NotifyChangeKey
0x70   NotifyChangeMultipleKeys
0x71   OpenDirectoryObject
0x72   OpenEvent
0x73   OpenEventPair
0x74   OpenFile
0x75   OpenIoCompletion
0x76   OpenJobObject
0x77   OpenKey
0x78   OpenMutant
0x79   OpenObjectAuditAlarm
0x7a   OpenProcess
0x7b   OpenProcessToken
0x7c   OpenProcessTokenEx
0x7d   OpenSection
0x7e   OpenSemaphore
0x7f   OpenSymbolicLinkObject
0x80   OpenThread
0x81   OpenThreadToken
0x82   OpenThreadTokenEx
0x83   OpenTimer
0x84   PlugPlayControl
0x85   PowerInformation
0x86   PrivilegeCheck
0x87   PrivilegeObjectAuditAlarm
0x88   PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm
0x89   ProtectVirtualMemory
0x8a   PulseEvent
0x8b   QueryAttributesFile
0x8c   QueryBootEntryOrder
0x8d   QueryBootOptions
0x8e   QueryDebugFilterState
0x8f   QueryDefaultLocale
0x90   QueryDefaultUILanguage
0x91   QueryDirectoryFile
0x92   QueryDirectoryObject
0x93   QueryEaFile
0x94   QueryEvent
0x95   QueryFullAttributesFile
0x96   QueryInformationAtom
0x97   QueryInformationFile
0x98   QueryInformationJobObject
0x99   QueryInformationPort
0x9a   QueryInformationProcess
0x9b   QueryInformationThread
0x9c   QueryInformationToken
0x9d   QueryInstallUILanguage
0x9e   QueryIntervalProfile
0x9f   QueryIoCompletion
0xa0   QueryKey
0xa1   QueryMultipleValueKey
0xa2   QueryMutant
0xa3   QueryObject
0xa4   QueryOpenSubKeys
0xa5   QueryPerformanceCounter
0xa6   QueryQuotaInformationFile
0xa7   QuerySection
0xa8   QuerySecurityObject
0xa9   QuerySemaphore
0xaa   QuerySymbolicLinkObject
0xab   QuerySystemEnvironmentValue
0xac   QuerySystemEnvironmentValueEx
0xad   RtlGetNativeSystemInformation
0xae   QuerySystemTime
0xaf   QueryTimer
0xb0   QueryTimerResolution
0xb1   QueryValueKey
0xb2   QueryVirtualMemory
0xb3   QueryVolumeInformationFile
0xb4   QueueApcThread
0xb5   RaiseException
0xb6   RaiseHardError
0xb7   ReadFile
0xb8   ReadFileScatter
0xb9   ReadRequestData
0xba   ReadVirtualMemory
0xbb   RegisterThreadTerminatePort
0xbc   ReleaseMutant
0xbd   ReleaseSemaphore
0xbe   RemoveIoCompletion
0xbf   RemoveProcessDebug
0xc0   RenameKey
0xc1   ReplaceKey
0xc2   ReplyPort
0xc3   ReplyWaitReceivePort
0xc4   ReplyWaitReceivePortEx
0xc5   ReplyWaitReplyPort
0xc6   RequestDeviceWakeup
0xc7   RequestPort
0xc8   RequestWaitReplyPort
0xc9   RequestWakeupLatency
0xca   ResetEvent
0xcb   ResetWriteWatch
0xcc   RestoreKey
0xcd   ResumeProcess
0xce   ResumeThread
0xcf   SaveKey
0xd0   SaveKeyEx
0xd1   SaveMergedKeys
0xd2   SecureConnectPort
0xd3   SetBootEntryOrder
0xd4   SetBootOptions
0xd5   SetContextThread
0xd6   SetDebugFilterState
0xd7   SetDefaultHardErrorPort
0xd8   SetDefaultLocale
0xd9   SetDefaultUILanguage
0xda   SetEaFile
0xdb   SetEvent
0xdc   SetEventBoostPriority
0xdd   SetHighEventPair
0xde   SetHighWaitLowEventPair
0xdf   SetInformationDebugObject
0xe0   SetInformationFile
0xe1   SetInformationJobObject
0xe2   SetInformationKey
0xe3   SetInformationObject
0xe4   SetInformationProcess
0xe5   SetInformationThread
0xe6   SetInformationToken
0xe7   SetIntervalProfile
0xe8   SetIoCompletion
0xe9   SetLdtEntries
0xea   SetLowEventPair
0xeb   SetLowWaitHighEventPair
0xec   SetQuotaInformationFile
0xed   SetSecurityObject
0xee   SetSystemEnvironmentValue
0xef   SetSystemEnvironmentValueEx
0xf0   SetSystemInformation
0xf1   SetSystemPowerState
0xf2   SetSystemTime
0xf3   SetThreadExecutionState
0xf4   SetTimer
0xf5   SetTimerResolution
0xf6   SetUuidSeed
0xf7   SetValueKey
0xf8   SetVolumeInformationFile
0xf9   ShutdownSystem
0xfa   SignalAndWaitForSingleObject
0xfb   StartProfile
0xfc   StopProfile
0xfd   SuspendProcess
0xfe   SuspendThread
0xff   SystemDebugControl
0x100  TerminateJobObject
0x101  TerminateProcess
0x102  TerminateThread
0x103  TestAlert
0x104  TraceEvent
0x105  TranslateFilePath
0x106  UnloadDriver
0x107  UnloadKey
0x108  UnloadKeyEx
0x109  UnlockFile
0x10a  UnlockVirtualMemory
0x10b  UnmapViewOfSection
0x10c  VdmControl
0x10d  WaitForDebugEvent
0x10e  WaitForMultipleObjects
0x10f  WaitForSingleObject
0x110  WaitHighEventPair
0x111  WaitLowEventPair
0x112  WriteFile
0x113  WriteFileGather
0x114  WriteRequestData
0x115  WriteVirtualMemory
0x116  YieldExecution
0x117  CreateKeyedEvent
0x118  OpenKeyedEvent
0x119  ReleaseKeyedEvent
0x11a  WaitForKeyedEvent
0x11b  QueryPortInformationProcess

Windows 2003 sysenter 功能表
0x0    AcceptConnectPort
0x1    AccessCheck
0x2    AccessCheckAndAuditAlarm
0x3    AccessCheckByType
0x4    AccessCheckByTypeAndAuditAlarm
0x5    AccessCheckByTypeResultList
0x6    AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarm
0x7    AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmByHandle
0x8    AddAtom
0x9    AddBootEntry
0xa    AddDriverEntry
0xb    AdjustGroupsToken
0xc    AdjustPrivilegesToken
0xd    AlertResumeThread
0xe    AlertThread
0xf    AllocateLocallyUniqueId
0x10   AllocateUserPhysicalPages
0x11   AllocateUuids
0x12   AllocateVirtualMemory
0x13   ApphelpCacheControl
0x14   AreMappedFilesTheSame
0x15   AssignProcessToJobObject
0x16   CallbackReturn
0x17   CancelDeviceWakeupRequest
0x18   CancelIoFile
0x19   CancelTimer
0x1a   ClearEvent
0x1b   Close
0x1c   CloseObjectAuditAlarm
0x1d   CompactKeys
0x1e   CompareTokens
0x1f   CompleteConnectPort
0x20   CompressKey
0x21   ConnectPort
0x22   Continue
0x23   CreateDebugObject
0x24   CreateDirectoryObject
0x25   CreateEvent
0x26   CreateEventPair
0x27   CreateFile
0x28   CreateIoCompletion
0x29   CreateJobObject
0x2a   CreateJobSet
0x2b   CreateKey
0x2c   CreateMailslotFile
0x2d   CreateMutant
0x2e   CreateNamedPipeFile
0x2f   CreatePagingFile
0x30   CreatePort
0x31   CreateProcess
0x32   CreateProcessEx
0x33   CreateProfile
0x34   CreateSection
0x35   CreateSemaphore
0x36   CreateSymbolicLinkObject
0x37   CreateThread
0x38   CreateTimer
0x39   CreateToken
0x3a   CreateWaitablePort
0x3b   DebugActiveProcess
0x3c   DebugContinue
0x3d   DelayExecution
0x3e   DeleteAtom
0x3f   DeleteBootEntry
0x40   DeleteDriverEntry
0x41   DeleteFile
0x42   DeleteKey
0x43   DeleteObjectAuditAlarm
0x44   DeleteValueKey
0x45   DeviceIoControlFile
0x46   DisplayString
0x47   DuplicateObject
0x48   DuplicateToken
0x49   EnumerateBootEntries
0x4a   EnumerateDriverEntries
0x4b   EnumerateKey
0x4c   EnumerateSystemEnvironmentValuesEx
0x4d   EnumerateValueKey
0x4e   ExtendSection
0x4f   FilterToken
0x50   FindAtom
0x51   FlushBuffersFile
0x52   FlushInstructionCache
0x53   FlushKey
0x54   FlushVirtualMemory
0x55   FlushWriteBuffer
0x56   FreeUserPhysicalPages
0x57   FreeVirtualMemory
0x58   FsControlFile
0x59   GetContextThread
0x5a   GetDevicePowerState
0x5b   GetPlugPlayEvent
0x5c   GetWriteWatch
0x5d   ImpersonateAnonymousToken
0x5e   ImpersonateClientOfPort
0x5f   ImpersonateThread
0x60   InitializeRegistry
0x61   InitiatePowerAction
0x62   IsProcessInJob
0x63   IsSystemResumeAutomatic
0x64   ListenPort
0x65   LoadDriver
0x66   LoadKey
0x67   LoadKey2
0x68   LoadKeyEx
0x69   LockFile
0x6a   LockProductActivationKeys
0x6b   LockRegistryKey
0x6c   LockVirtualMemory
0x6d   MakePermanentObject
0x6e   MakeTemporaryObject
0x6f   MapUserPhysicalPages
0x70   MapUserPhysicalPagesScatter
0x71   MapViewOfSection
0x72   ModifyBootEntry
0x73   ModifyDriverEntry
0x74   NotifyChangeDirectoryFile
0x75   NotifyChangeKey
0x76   NotifyChangeMultipleKeys
0x77   OpenDirectoryObject
0x78   OpenEvent
0x79   OpenEventPair
0x7a   OpenFile
0x7b   OpenIoCompletion
0x7c   OpenJobObject
0x7d   OpenKey
0x7e   OpenMutant
0x7f   OpenObjectAuditAlarm
0x80   OpenProcess
0x81   OpenProcessToken
0x82   OpenProcessTokenEx
0x83   OpenSection
0x84   OpenSemaphore
0x85   OpenSymbolicLinkObject
0x86   OpenThread
0x87   OpenThreadToken
0x88   OpenThreadTokenEx
0x89   OpenTimer
0x8a   PlugPlayControl
0x8b   PowerInformation
0x8c   PrivilegeCheck
0x8d   PrivilegeObjectAuditAlarm
0x8e   PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm
0x8f   ProtectVirtualMemory
0x90   PulseEvent
0x91   QueryAttributesFile
0x92   QueryBootEntryOrder
0x93   QueryBootOptions
0x94   QueryDebugFilterState
0x95   QueryDefaultLocale
0x96   QueryDefaultUILanguage
0x97   QueryDirectoryFile
0x98   QueryDirectoryObject
0x99   QueryDriverEntryOrder
0x9a   QueryEaFile
0x9b   QueryEvent
0x9c   QueryFullAttributesFile
0x9d   QueryInformationAtom
0x9e   QueryInformationFile
0x9f   QueryInformationJobObject
0xa0   QueryInformationPort
0xa1   QueryInformationProcess
0xa2   QueryInformationThread
0xa3   QueryInformationToken
0xa4   QueryInstallUILanguage
0xa5   QueryIntervalProfile
0xa6   QueryIoCompletion
0xa7   QueryKey
0xa8   QueryMultipleValueKey
0xa9   QueryMutant
0xaa   QueryObject
0xab   QueryOpenSubKeys
0xac   QueryOpenSubKeysEx
0xad   QueryPerformanceCounter
0xae   QueryQuotaInformationFile
0xaf   QuerySection
0xb0   QuerySecurityObject
0xb1   QuerySemaphore
0xb2   QuerySymbolicLinkObject
0xb3   QuerySystemEnvironmentValue
0xb4   QuerySystemEnvironmentValueEx
0xb5   QuerySystemInformation
0xb6   QuerySystemTime
0xb7   QueryTimer
0xb8   QueryTimerResolution
0xb9   QueryValueKey
0xba   QueryVirtualMemory
0xbb   QueryVolumeInformationFile
0xbc   QueueApcThread
0xbd   RaiseException
0xbe   RaiseHardError
0xbf   ReadFile
0xc0   ReadFileScatter
0xc1   ReadRequestData
0xc2   ReadVirtualMemory
0xc3   RegisterThreadTerminatePort
0xc4   ReleaseMutant
0xc5   ReleaseSemaphore
0xc6   RemoveIoCompletion
0xc7   RemoveProcessDebug
0xc8   RenameKey
0xc9   ReplaceKey
0xca   ReplyPort
0xcb   ReplyWaitReceivePort
0xcc   ReplyWaitReceivePortEx
0xcd   ReplyWaitReplyPort
0xce   RequestDeviceWakeup
0xcf   RequestPort
0xd0   RequestWaitReplyPort
0xd1   RequestWakeupLatency
0xd2   ResetEvent
0xd3   ResetWriteWatch
0xd4   RestoreKey
0xd5   ResumeProcess
0xd6   ResumeThread
0xd7   SaveKey
0xd8   SaveKeyEx
0xd9   SaveMergedKeys
0xda   SecureConnectPort
0xdb   SetBootEntryOrder
0xdc   SetBootOptions
0xdd   SetContextThread
0xde   SetDebugFilterState
0xdf   SetDefaultHardErrorPort
0xe0   SetDefaultLocale
0xe1   SetDefaultUILanguage
0xe2   SetDriverEntryOrder
0xe3   SetEaFile
0xe4   SetEvent
0xe5   SetEventBoostPriority
0xe6   SetHighEventPair
0xe7   SetHighWaitLowEventPair
0xe8   SetInformationDebugObject
0xe9   SetInformationFile
0xea   SetInformationJobObject
0xeb   SetInformationKey
0xec   SetInformationObject
0xed   SetInformationProcess
0xee   SetInformationThread
0xef   SetInformationToken
0xf0   SetIntervalProfile
0xf1   SetIoCompletion
0xf2   SetLdtEntries
0xf3   SetLowEventPair
0xf4   SetLowWaitHighEventPair
0xf5   SetQuotaInformationFile
0xf6   SetSecurityObject
0xf7   SetSystemEnvironmentValue
0xf8   SetSystemEnvironmentValueEx
0xf9   SetSystemInformation
0xfa   SetSystemPowerState
0xfb   SetSystemTime
0xfc   SetThreadExecutionState
0xfd   SetTimer
0xfe   SetTimerResolution
0xff   SetUuidSeed
0x100  SetValueKey
0x101  SetVolumeInformationFile
0x102  ShutdownSystem
0x103  SignalAndWaitForSingleObject
0x104  StartProfile
0x105  StopProfile
0x106  SuspendProcess
0x107  SuspendThread
0x108  SystemDebugControl
0x109  TerminateJobObject
0x10a  TerminateProcess
0x10b  TerminateThread
0x10c  TestAlert
0x10d  TraceEvent
0x10e  TranslateFilePath
0x10f  UnloadDriver
0x110  UnloadKey
0x111  UnloadKey2
0x112  UnloadKeyEx
0x113  UnlockFile
0x114  UnlockVirtualMemory
0x115  UnmapViewOfSection
0x116  VdmControl
0x117  WaitForDebugEvent
0x118  WaitForMultipleObjects
0x119  WaitForSingleObject
0x11a  WaitHighEventPair
0x11b  WaitLowEventPair
0x11c  WriteFile
0x11d  WriteFileGather
0x11e  WriteRequestData
0x11f  WriteVirtualMemory
0x120  YieldExecution
0x121  CreateKeyedEvent
0x122  OpenKeyedEvent
0x123  ReleaseKeyedEvent
0x124  WaitForKeyedEvent
0x125  QueryPortInformationProcess
0x126  GetCurrentProcessorNumber

Windows NT int 2e 功能表
from Ralf Brown's interrupt lists
EAX = function number
EDX = address of parameter block

Values for Windows NT NTOS function number:
000h   AcceptConnectPort            (24 bytes of parameters)
001h   AccessCheck                  (32 bytes of parameters)
002h   AccessCheckAndAuditAlarm     (44 bytes of parameters)
003h   AddAtom                      (8 bytes of parameters)
004h   AdjustGroupsToken            (24 bytes of parameters)
005h   AdjustPrivilegesToken        (24 bytes of parameters)
006h   AlertResumeThread            (8 bytes of parameters)
007h   AlertThread                  (4 bytes of parameters)
008h   AllocateLocallyUniqueId      (4 bytes of parameters)
009h   AllocateUuids                (12 bytes of parameters)
00Ah   AllocateVirtualMemory        (24 bytes of parameters)
00Bh   CallbackReturn               (12 bytes of parameters)
00Ch   CancelIoFile                 (8 bytes of parameters)
00Dh   CancelTimer                  (8 bytes of parameters)
00Eh   ClearEvent                   (4 bytes of parameters)
00Fh   Close                        (4 bytes of parameters)
010h   CloseObjectAuditAlarm        (12 bytes of parameters)
011h   CompleteConnectPort          (4 bytes of parameters)
012h   ConnectPort                  (32 bytes of parameters)
013h   Continue                     (8 bytes of parameters)
014h   CreateDirectoryObject        (12 bytes of parameters)
015h   CreateEvent                  (20 bytes of parameters)
016h   CreateEventPair              (12 bytes of parameters)
017h   CreateFile                   (44 bytes of parameters)
018h   CreateIoCompletion           (16 bytes of parameters)
019h   CreateKey                    (28 bytes of parameters)
01Ah   CreateMailslotFile           (32 bytes of parameters)
01Bh   CreateMutant                 (16 bytes of parameters)
01Ch   CreateNamedPipeFile          (56 bytes of parameters)
01Dh   CreatePagingFile             (16 bytes of parameters)
01Eh   CreatePort                   (20 bytes of parameters)
01Fh   CreateProcess                (32 bytes of parameters)
020h   CreateProfile                (36 bytes of parameters)
021h   CreateSection                (28 bytes of parameters)
022h   CreateSemaphore              (20 bytes of parameters)
023h   CreateSymbolicLinkObject     (16 bytes of parameters)
024h   CreateThread                 (32 bytes of parameters)
025h   CreateTimer                  (16 bytes of parameters)
026h   CreateToken                  (52 bytes of parameters)
027h   DelayExecution               (8 bytes of parameters)
028h   DeleteAtom                   (4 bytes of parameters)
029h   DeleteFile                   (4 bytes of parameters)
02Ah   DeleteKey                    (4 bytes of parameters)
02Bh   DeleteObjectAuditAlarm       (12 bytes of parameters)
02Ch   DeleteValueKey               (8 bytes of parameters)
02Dh   DeviceIoControlFile          (40 bytes of parameters)
02Eh   DisplayString                (4 bytes of parameters)
02Fh   DuplicateObject              (28 bytes of parameters)
030h   DuplicateToken               (24 bytes of parameters)
031h   EnumerateKey                 (24 bytes of parameters)
032h   EnumerateValueKey            (24 bytes of parameters)
033h   ExtendSection                (8 bytes of parameters)
034h   FindAtom                     (8 bytes of parameters)
035h   FlushBuffersFile             (8 bytes of parameters)
036h   FlushInstructionCache        (12 bytes of parameters)
037h   FlushKey                     (4 bytes of parameters)
038h   FlushVirtualMemory           (16 bytes of parameters)
039h   FlushWriteBuffer             (no parameters)
03Ah   FreeVirtualMemory            (16 bytes of parameters)
03Bh   FsControlFile                (40 bytes of parameters)
03Ch   GetContextThread             (8 bytes of parameters)
03Dh   GetPlugPlayEvent             (16 bytes of parameters)
03Eh   GetTickCount                 (no parameters)
03Fh   ImpersonateClientOfPort      (8 bytes of parameters)
040h   ImpersonateThread            (12 bytes of parameters)
041h   InitializeRegistry           (4 bytes of parameters)
042h   ListenPort                   (8 bytes of parameters)
043h   LoadDriver                   (4 bytes of parameters)
044h   LoadKey                      (8 bytes of parameters)
045h   LoadKey2                     (12 bytes of parameters)
046h   LockFile                     (40 bytes of parameters)
047h   LockVirtualMemory            (16 bytes of parameters)
048h   MakeTemporaryObject          (4 bytes of parameters)
049h   MapViewOfSection             (40 bytes of parameters)
04Ah   NotifyChangeDirectoryFile    (36 bytes of parameters)
04Bh   NotifyChangeKey              (40 bytes of parameters)
04Ch   OpenDirectoryObject          (12 bytes of parameters)
04Dh   OpenEvent                    (12 bytes of parameters)
04Eh   OpenEventPair                (12 bytes of parameters)
04Fh   OpenFile                     (24 bytes of parameters)
050h   OpenIoCompletion             (12 bytes of parameters)
051h   OpenKey                      (12 bytes of parameters)
052h   OpenMutant                   (12 bytes of parameters)
053h   OpenObjectAuditAlarm         (48 bytes of parameters)
054h   OpenProcess                  (16 bytes of parameters)
055h   OpenProcessToken             (12 bytes of parameters)
056h   OpenSection                  (12 bytes of parameters)
057h   OpenSemaphore                (12 bytes of parameters)
058h   OpenSymbolicLinkObject       (12 bytes of parameters)
059h   OpenThread                   (16 bytes of parameters)
05Ah   OpenThreadToken              (16 bytes of parameters)
05Bh   OpenTimer                    (12 bytes of parameters)
05Ch   PlugPlayControl              (16 bytes of parameters)
05Dh   PrivilegeCheck               (12 bytes of parameters)
05Eh   PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm  (20 bytes of parameters)
05Fh   PrivilegeObjectAuditAlarm    (24 bytes of parameters)
060h   ProtectVirtualMemory         (20 bytes of parameters)
061h   PulseEvent                   (8 bytes of parameters)
062h   QueryInformationAtom         (20 bytes of parameters)
063h   QueryAttributesFile          (8 bytes of parameters)
064h   QueryDefaultLocale           (8 bytes of parameters)
065h   QueryDirectoryFile           (44 bytes of parameters)
066h   QueryDirectoryObject         (28 bytes of parameters)
067h   QueryEaFile                  (36 bytes of parameters)
068h   QueryEvent                   (20 bytes of parameters)
069h   QueryFullAttributesFile      (8 bytes of parameters)
06Ah   QueryInformationFile         (20 bytes of parameters)
06Bh   QueryIoCompletion            (20 bytes of parameters)
06Ch   QueryInformationPort         (20 bytes of parameters)
06Dh   QueryInformationProcess      (20 bytes of parameters)
06Eh   QueryInformationThread       (20 bytes of parameters)
06Fh   QueryInformationToken        (20 bytes of parameters)
070h   QueryIntervalProfile         (8 bytes of parameters)
071h   QueryKey                     (20 bytes of parameters)
072h   QueryMultipleValueKey        (24 bytes of parameters)
073h   QueryMutant                  (20 bytes of parameters)
074h   QueryObject                  (20 bytes of parameters)
075h   QueryOleDirectoryFile        (44 bytes of parameters)
076h   QueryPerformanceCounter      (8 bytes of parameters)
077h   QuerySection                 (20 bytes of parameters)
078h   QuerySecurityObject          (20 bytes of parameters)
079h   QuerySemaphore               (20 bytes of parameters)
07Ah   QuerySymbolicLinkObject      (12 bytes of parameters)
07Bh   QuerySystemEnvironmentValue  (16 bytes of parameters)
07Ch   QuerySystemInformation       (16 bytes of parameters)
07Dh   QuerySystemTime              (4 bytes of parameters)
07Eh   QueryTimer                   (20 bytes of parameters)
07Fh   QueryTimerResolution         (12 bytes of parameters)
080h   QueryValueKey                (24 bytes of parameters)
081h   QueryVirtualMemory           (24 bytes of parameters)
082h   QueryVolumeInformationFile   (20 bytes of parameters)
083h   QueueApcThread               (20 bytes of parameters)
084h   RaiseException               (12 bytes of parameters)
085h   RaiseHardError               (24 bytes of parameters)
086h   ReadFile                     (36 bytes of parameters)
087h   ReadFileScatter              (36 bytes of parameters)
088h   ReadRequestData              (24 bytes of parameters)
089h   ReadVirtualMemory            (20 bytes of parameters)
08Ah   RegisterThreadTerminatePort  (4 bytes of parameters)
08Bh   ReleaseMutant                (8 bytes of parameters)
08Ch   ReleaseSemaphore             (12 bytes of parameters)
08Dh   RemoveIoCompletion           (20 bytes of parameters)
08Eh   ReplaceKey                   (12 bytes of parameters)
08Fh   ReplyPort                    (8 bytes of parameters)
090h   ReplyWaitReceivePort         (16 bytes of parameters)
091h   ReplyWaitReplyPort           (8 bytes of parameters)
092h   RequestPort                  (8 bytes of parameters)
093h   RequestWaitReplyPort         (12 bytes of parameters)
094h   ResetEvent                   (8 bytes of parameters)
095h   RestoreKey                   (12 bytes of parameters)
096h   ResumeThread                 (8 bytes of parameters)
097h   SaveKey                      (8 bytes of parameters)
098h   SetIoCompletion              (20 bytes of parameters)
099h   SetContextThread             (8 bytes of parameters)
09Ah   SetDefaultHardErrorPort      (4 bytes of parameters)
09Bh   SetDefaultLocale             (8 bytes of parameters)
09Ch   SetEaFile                    (16 bytes of parameters)
09Dh   SetEvent                     (8 bytes of parameters)
09Eh   SetHighEventPair             (4 bytes of parameters)
09Fh   SetHighWaitLowEventPair      (4 bytes of parameters)
0A0h   ???                          (??? bytes of parameters)
0A1h   SetInformationFile           (20 bytes of parameters)
0A2h   SetInformationKey            (16 bytes of parameters)
0A3h   SetInformationObject         (16 bytes of parameters)
0A4h   SetInformationProcess        (16 bytes of parameters)
0A5h   SetInformationThread         (16 bytes of parameters)
0A6h   SetInformationToken          (16 bytes of parameters)
0A7h   SetIntervalProfile           (8 bytes of parameters)
0A8h   SetLdtEntries                (24 bytes of parameters)
0A9h   SetLowEventPair              (4 bytes of parameters)
0AAh   SetLowWaitHighEventPair      (4 bytes of parameters)
0ABh   ???                          (??? bytes of parameters)
0ACh   SetSecurityObject            (12 bytes of parameters)
0ADh   SetSystemEnvironmentValue    (8 bytes of parameters)
0AEh   SetSystemInformation         (12 bytes of parameters)
0AFh   SetSystemPowerState          (12 bytes of parameters)
0B0h   SetSystemTime                (8 bytes of parameters)
0B1h   SetTimer                     (28 bytes of parameters)
0B2h   SetTimerResolution           (12 bytes of parameters)
0B3h   SetValueKey                  (24 bytes of parameters)
0B4h   SetVolumeInformationFile     (20 bytes of parameters)
0B5h   ShutdownSystem               (4 bytes of parameters)
0B6h   SignalAndWaitForSingleObject (16 bytes of parameters)
0B7h   StartProfile                 (4 bytes of parameters)
0B8h   StopProfile                  (4 bytes of parameters)
0B9h   SuspendThread                (8 bytes of parameters)
0BAh   SystemDebugControl           (24 bytes of parameters)
0BBh   TerminateProcess             (8 bytes of parameters)
0BCh   TerminateThread              (8 bytes of parameters)
0BDh   TestAlert                    (no parameters)
0BEh   UnloadDriver                 (4 bytes of parameters)
0BFh   UnloadKey                    (4 bytes of parameters)
0C0h   UnlockFile                   (20 bytes of parameters)
0C1h   UnlockVirtualMemory          (16 bytes of parameters)
0C2h   UnmapViewOfSection           (8 bytes of parameters)
0C3h   VdmControl                   (8 bytes of parameters)
0C4h   WaitForMultipleObjects       (20 bytes of parameters)
0C5h   WaitForSingleObject          (12 bytes of parameters)
0C6h   WaitHighEventPair            (4 bytes of parameters)
0C7h   WaitLowEventPair             (4 bytes of parameters)
0C8h   WriteFile                    (36 bytes of parameters)
0C9h   WriteFileGather              (36 bytes of parameters)
0CAh   WriteRequestData             (24 bytes of parameters)
0CBh   WriteVirtualMemory           (20 bytes of parameters)
0CCh   W32Call                      (20 bytes of parameters)
0CDh   CreateChannel                (8 bytes of parameters)
0CEh   ListenChannel                (8 bytes of parameters)
0CFh   OpenChannel                  (8 bytes of parameters)
0D0h   ReplyWaitSendChannel         (12 bytes of parameters)
0D1h   SendWaitReplyChannel         (16 bytes of parameters)
0D2h   SetContextChannel            (4 bytes of parameters)
0D3h   YieldExecution               (no parameters)

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