Windows 版 (精华区)
发信人: PowerStation (Enjoy ebook~:) ftp://birdshome.hit...), 信区: Windows
标 题: Re: 自定义 xp 启动画面!
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2001年11月03日15:08:27 星期六), 站内信件
Installing a Downloaded Logon Screen
1. Download the file to your hard drive.
2. Extract it to a folder you can remember (i.e. C:\Logon Screen\001\)
3. Reboot your computer.
4. While computer is rebooting, hold down the F8 key until the boot selectio
n screen
comes up.
5. Select Command Prompt.
6. Press F8 again.
7. Login to the administration account.
8. Once at the DOS prompt, you must copy the new logonui.exe file over the e
one. Go to the directory where you extracted the new logonui file (C:\L
Screen\001\) and type: copy logonui.exe c:\windows\system32\
9. When prompted, over write the file.
10. Reboot the computer and you should have the new logon screen.
Modifying Your Own Logon Screen
You must first download and install RegHack. Please click here to download
1. Go into My Computer, then into your C drive, then into \Windows\System32\
2. Copy the logonui.exe file to another directory for a back up, then copy i
t again to
another directory so you can edit it.
3. Open the copy of logonui.exe with RegHack.
You can now edit the file. To edit the colours, go into the \UIFILE\1000\10
22\ part and scroll about half way down. Here is an example from Logon Scre
en No. 001:
<style resid=framess>
element [id=atom(contentcontainer)]
background: rgb(99,118,149); *** <--- this is the main background colour
<style resid=toppanelss>
element [id=atom(toppanel)]
background: rgb(67,93,136); *** <--- this is the top border
<style resid=bottompanelss>
element [id=atom(bottompanel)]
background: gradient(argb(0,60,59,98), argb(0,67,93,136), 0); *** <--- this
is a gradient from the first color to the second
fontface: rcstr(2);
To Change the Images:
1. Go into the Bitmap tree.
2. Click on the Action button that the top
3. Click Replace Bitmap.
4. Then select the image number that you want to replace and select the new
To set the size of Bitmap 100:
1. Go into the \UIFILE\1000\1022\ tree
2. Press CTRL+F
3. find <element id=atom(contentcontainer)
4. Change the entire line to read: <element id=atom(contentcontainer)
layout=flowlayout(1,3,2,3) layoutpos=client ontent=rcbmp(100,0,0,xxx,yyy
Where xxx is put the width e.g. 400rp (the rp @ the end is needed) and w
here yyy is,
put the height e.g. 1000rp. Make sure the image doesn't go over the log
in names
because it slows down to a snails pace (fading etc.)
Installing a the Logon Screen:
1. Download the file to your hard drive.
2. Extract it to a folder you can remember (i.e. C:\Logon Screen\001\)
3. Reboot your computer.
4. While computer is rebooting, hold down the F8 key until the boot selectio
n screen
comes up.
5. Select Command Prompt.
6. Press F8 again.
7. Login to the administration account.
8. Once at the DOS prompt, you must copy the new logonui.exe file over the e
one. Go to the directory where you extracted the new logonui file (C:\L
Screen\001\) and type: copy logonui.exe c:\windows\system32\
9. When prompted, over write the file.
10. Reboot the computer and you should have the new logon screen.
【 在 PowerStation (Enjoy ebook~:) ftp://birdshome.hit...) 的大作中提到: 】
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※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香·[FROM:]
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