office_tools 版 (精华区)
发信人: vinson (壮志骄阳), 信区: office_tools
标 题: 5.第一次亲密接触---用TeX输出一篇文章
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2002年01月06日11:35:38 星期天), 站内信件
(5)第一次亲密接触 --- 用TeX输出一篇文章
| 本节内容: 以一个article例子看看文章的一般排版格 |
| 式. title信息详解. 以下仅就例讲解, 详情后续: 章 |
| 节, 留空(LaTeX的长度表示), 参考文献. |
有了那么多准备知识, 我想现在可以开始深入展开一篇文章
的排版了. 大家可以把以下内容从\documentstyle行开始, 直到
\end{document}行存在一个文本文件中, 如111.tex, 然后编译:
latex 111(因为用到交叉引用, 需要编译两次), 然后用view 111
来浏览此例, view中, 回车翻下页, 退出(具体view的使用
\documentstyle{article} %使用article格式
\topmargin=0pt %以下页面设置
\oddsidemargin=0pt \evensidemargin=0pt %
\textwidth=14cm %
\textheight=21cm %
\title{This is a sample of \LaTeX} %文章题目
\author{Bigeyes(\tt{})\\ %作者. 多行用\\
Department of Mathematics\\ %
USTC, Anhui, Hefei, 230026 %
\and %如有多作者, 用\and
A\_A %
\thanks{Supported by ...} %致谢, 在author里
\\ %
BBS of USTC\\ %[]} %
\date{Mar. 1, 1999} %日期, 如果没有此项,
%则以当前日期代替, 若
%不要日期, 则用空{}
\begin{document} %document开始.
\maketitle %此句产生标题, 不可缺少,
\begin{abstract} %套用abstract格式
\begin{abstract} %套用abstract格式
This is mini-page defined for abstract, %自动形成小页
you only write your abstract in it. If %
you want to shows keywords, maybe you %
should use: %
{\bf Keywords: }\LaTeX, example %LaTeX没有keywords环境
\end{abstract} %自己手工来做吧
\section{The very beginning} %一个节, 节的使用后详
This is the first section of your %
article. You may find every first %一节的第一段缺省情况
paragraph of your section, subsection, %为段首不自动缩进
chapter or ... always has no %
``parindent'' at the beginning. %
This is the second paragrph, you can %但是以后的段段首
find this has parindent at the % 自动缩进
beginning. If you want to show %
parindent at first paragraph too, %
do as the first paragraph I showed %
in the next section. %
\section{The 2nd step} %第二节,使用自动标号
\hskip \parindent %横向空出\parindent
This is the second section. In this %从这里大家看到
first paragraph, I use `hskip' to %\parindent其实是
get the first parindent. Maybe you %一个长度单位, 长
can get this effect by another way. %度单位后详
\subsection{Sub-sect of 2} %小节
this %
\subsection*{\S 2.2 Another sub of 2} %节,小节可以不使用
this %自动标号, 这时有关
\section{Conclusion} %
I think you have know \TeX well now. %又是一节
I want to show you how to use %
bibliography. In the article, you %参考文献的
can use as ``see \cite{texbook}''. %引用方法\cite{标识}
\begin{thebibliography}{0} %参考文献列在这里
% 为一位数
% 为一位数
\bibitem{texbook} Donald~E.~Knouth, ``The \TeX book'',
Addison-Wesley, 1984
\bibitem{lamport} L.\ Lamport, ``\LaTeX:
A Document Preparation System'',
Addison-Wesley, 1994
\bibitem{companion} M.~Goossens, F.~Millelbach,
and A.~Samarin, ``The \LaTeX\ Companion'',
Addison--Wesley, 1994
\end{document} %document结束
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香·[FROM:]
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