office_tools 版 (精华区)
发信人: zfhit (森林小魔), 信区: office_tools
标 题: Apress.Microsoft.Office.Programming.A.Guide.for.Experienced
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Sun Oct 17 10:09:58 2004), 转信
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Table of Contents
Microsoft Office Programming—A Guide for Experienced Developers
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Macros
Chapter 3 - Customizing Office
Chapter 4 - Automatic Customization
Chapter 5 - Office Programming the Easy Way—OLE
Chapter 6 - Introduction to Office XP Object Models
Chapter 7 - Word
Chapter 8 - Excel
Chapter 9 - PowerPoint
Chapter 10 - Access
Chapter 11 - Access and ADO
Chapter 12 - Outlook
Chapter 13 - Outlook, MAPI, and CDO
Chapter 14 - Smart Tags
Chapter 15 - Office 2003
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Code Examples
List of Graphic Examples
Chapters Overview
Chapter 2, "Macros," explains fundamental concepts you should understand to program the Office applications. It explains the general structure of those applications and how they use VBA as a macro language. It shows how to use the macro recorder to quickly generate simple macros (except in Outlook, which doesn't have a macro recorder).
After you've written a macro, you need some way to execute it. Chapter 3, "Customizing Office," explains different ways you can run a macro or make it easily available to others who need to use your code. It tells how to tie macros to custom toolbar buttons and menu items.
Chapter 4, "Automatic Customization," explains how to make documents that install and remove their own customizations. Depending on your particular needs, some Office applications provide ways to do this automatically. However, the examples in this chapter demonstrate more general techniques you can use to perform actions when the user opens and closes a document.
Chapter 5, "Office Programming the Easy Way: OLE," explains how you can use OLE to avoid some possibly onerous programming chores. Briefly described earlier in this chapter, OLE lets you include the features of one Office application within another. For example, OLE lets you embed an Excel worksheet inside a Word document.
The rest of the book deals mostly with the various Office applications' object models. Chapter 6, "Introduction to Office XP Object Models," discusses features and objects shared by the different Office applications.
Chapters 7 through 10 and Chapter 12 cover the Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, and Outlook object models. They describe the objects, properties, and methods you will probably find most helpful in building Office applications.
Chapter 11, "Access and ADO," (ActiveX Data Objects) explains how you can use ADO to manipulate Access databases without using Access itself. ADO doesn't have the user interface that Access provides, so it is a leaner tool for when you want to manipulate a database behind the scenes.
Just as you can use ADO to work with an Access database without Access, you can use MAPI (messaging application programming interface) and CDO (Collaboration Data Objects) to perform many Outlook functions without using Outlook. Chapter 13, "Outlook, MAPI, and CDO," explains how to use MAPI and CDO to carry out several useful Outlook tasks such as sending and receiving e-mail, and working with Outlook folders.
Chapter 14, "Smart Tags," explains how you can build smart tags using Visual Basic .NET. Smart tags let you add context-sensitive features to your document text. For example, whenever the user types the word "VBA" in Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, your smart tag can provide a menu allowing the user to perform related tasks such as connecting to the Microsoft VBA Web site, checking a file server for VBA code snippets, or sending you e-mail.
Chapter 15, "Office 2003," describes developer enhancements provided by Microsoft Office 2003. These include objects for working with XML embedded in Word documents and Excel worksheets, smart tag enhancements, tools for integrating Visual Studio .NET with Office 2003, InfoPath, and smart documents, which take the context-sensitive features of smart tags one step further.
The idea must be proven to work operationally, and
People who are considering adopting the change must understand why it works
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