ACZone 版 (精华区)
发信人: aczone (神乐), 信区: ACZone
标 题: 棋混ed3的歌词
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Wed Aug 24 20:58:37 2005), 转信
where is it?
the treasur that belongs to me
now with a great adventure…
the gentle sunlight
a feeling of departure
the shy and the flower are both laughting
i wonder what waits ahead for me
take a deep breath…
place your hand gently
on the door to your dreams
and let's go!
because i was blown by the wind!
because my heart was touched!
holding my belongings in one hand
because i was blown by the wind!
because i can't cause strife!
far away, until i reach that place
i won't lose!
i won't lose!
until the day that i make this dream come true!
that shy is fleeting!
that flower is fleeting!
some day i will laugh with you!
i will surpass any obstacle!
i'm not afraid of anything any more!
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香·[FROM:]
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