ClassicalMusic 版 (精华区)
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标 题: Stéphane Grappelli: A Life in the Jazz Century
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Sat Jun 19 23:21:09 2004), 转信
Stéphane Grappelli: A Life in the Jazz Century
DVD Information
Stéphane Grappelli tells his own story of a 77 year career with contributors from:
Django Reinhardt, Yehudi Menuhin, Nigel Kennedy, Martin Taylor, George Shearing, Jo Venuti & Eddie Lang, Paul Whiteman Orchestra, Diz Disley, John Etheridge, Bing Crosby & the Rhythm Boys, Gregor et ses Gregoriens, Lew Grade, Michael Parkinson.
Contains all known film footage of Django Reinhardt including 7 minutes of the Hot Club Quintet of France - never before seen and newly restored.
As far as we know this is the most comprehensive music DVD in the world.
Disc One Features
3 separate soundtracks
1. the main writer's commentary
2. an alternative director's commentary
3. free of any interference - sit back enjoy the many complete musical performances and form your own perspective.
Additionally an exclusive 'skip to next narrative' * feature means you can continue enjoying the 'story' perhaps savoring the complete musical illustrations at a different viewing ?
The idea is to make the disc 're-visitable' there being several different ways of approaching the content. Is there anything worse than a DVD you watch once then file and forget ?
Subtitles: PAL and NTSC versions - English
Disc 2 is all bonus features ! (only available on the DVD version).
11 bonus chapters.
These are fascinating stories that didn't quite make it into the main narrative. They include:-
Stéphane's 1929 meeting with Bing Crosby - a then unknown singer with 'The Rhythm Boys' and 'Paul Whiteman's Orchestra'. This chapter is illustrated with 1930 colour footage of Bing. Stéph tells us how he took Bing for a drink in his wild village of Montmartre.
Stéphane's tells us how he always had to go looking for new bass players as Django kept giving them the sack !
Martin Taylor - performing 'Manoir de mes Rêves' beautifully on a borrowed antique guitar.
A further chapter explores the roots of Stéphane's astonishing playing technique withYehudi Menuhin calling him 'a natural miracle'.
7 music archive clips
Complete unedited clips of 'Gregor and his Gregorians' (1929), The Hot Club Quintet of France (c.1936), and Stephane Grappelli and his Quintet (1948). All with sync sound and all unseen for a very long time. The British Film Institute didn't know they had the 1948 material and it's a priceless gem. The Gregor footage is one of the earliest sync sound clips in the world.
A storytellers chronicle
This is more than a 'making of'. It chronicles the director's 18 year odyssey trying to bring Stéphane's remarkable story to the screen. Countless rejections including every major TV station in Europe couldn't stop the film makers who eventually sell their house to put up the money.
Made in 1997 this was the film shown to every major TV station. We're talking about the people who erase Beatles tapes.
Multiphone* Selection
On the main disc Stéphane tells us how he discovered Jazz by accident on a Multiphone Jukebox in 1923. We offer you the chance to relive that experience by putting the track he played onto a virtual jukebox alongside several other rare and deleted tracks from Stéphane's 77 year career. These include a track with Duke Ellington that even Stéphane never got to hear !
Music On Earth Timeline *
All our DVD's will include this exclusive feature - attempting to put the artists work in context by illustrating the events that surrounded his work. e.g. how Jazz came to Europe.
Rare photograph montage
Does what it says on the tin, with appropriate music.
Bibliography Discography Websites and Map
Music on Earth DVD's are intended to work as entertaining 'stories of music and musicians'. However they aspire to more than that, providing a starting point for a serious understanding of a body of work. The discography, bibliography, website, maps, full music clips and timeline are all part of being thorough - we aspire beyond our professional broadcast roots in a sincere attempt to give the music enthusiast more.
With luck these DVD's are what you want - if so there will be more - many more. Tell us what you think and what you want to see and hear.
Music on Earth DVD's are different - made by music enthusiasts for music enthusiasts. With luck these DVD's are what you want - if so there will be more - many more. Tell us what you think and what you want to see and hear.
Paul & Judy
* patent pending
US International Film and Video Festival, Los Angeles, awards first prize to the Stephane Grappelli, A Life in the Jazz Century DVD. Music on Earth received the GOLD CAMERA AWARD - in the category of 'Arts: Music Documentary' at the awards ceremony on 6th June 2003.
Julian Bream: My Life in Music DVD - Buy Now | Stéphane Grappelli: A life in Jazz DVD - Buy Now
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London, W5 1QT, England, UK
TEL: +44 (0)20 8998 5675
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Members of: BAFTA and the Royal Television Societ
Finalists New York Festivals
Gold World Medalists New York Festivals
Award for Creative Excellence US International Film & Video
Festival, UK BAFTA Nomination 2002
Gold Camera Award US International Film and Video Festival 2003
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