ClassicalMusic 版 (精华区)
发信人: lanslot (衰衰网虫─→颓废书生·转型中......), 信区: ClassicMusic
标 题: 音乐家系列 德彪西2(转寄)(转载)
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2001年05月16日10:04:29 星期三), 转信
【 以下文字转载自 Music 讨论区 】
【 原文由 asdf 所发表 】
发信人: mist (sweet), 信区: Music
标 题: 音乐家系列 德彪西2
发信站: 华南木棉站 (Wed Jun 18 13:45:54 1997)
As Debussy set off to write his own style of music, he found
himself in the heady cultural hotbed of late-19th century Parisian
society, a climate enriched by Russian music, non-western idioms
demonstrated at the Paris Exposition of 1889, and Symbolist poetry,
as well as a revolution in visual arts. Paris was a remarkable melting
pot of cultural diversity and artistic influence, and the young Debussy
began to make these influences heard in his music, which placed an
began to make these influences heard in his music, which placed an
emphasis on aural images, clusters and metaphors rather than on
traditional musical devices. His early, pre-Impressionist compositions
for piano are remarkable in their craft, especially the Suite
bergamasque (1893). The same year, he premiered the seminal
Quartet in G minor for Strings, and people started to scratch their
heads in confusion, so novel was Debussy's sound. Critics complained
that the composer was a self-indulgent non-conformist. The next year
brought the brilliant Prilude ` l'aprhs-midi d'un faune (Prelude to the
Afternoon of a Faun), Debussy's first orchestral work and a
masterpiece of novel ensemble texture and harmonic innovation. The
work was inspired by a Stephane Mallermi poem of the same name,
and the music roughly evokes each scene in the poem.
Later works exhibited a more fully-developed "Impressionistic"
style - notably Estampes, Images, and La Mer. Another seminal work
was his one opera, Pellias et Milisande (1902), wherein he used
musical imagery and dramatic devices that flew in the face of
Wagner's dominant style. Later pieces ushered in such radical tonal
juxtapositions that Debussy is often cited as the father of atonality -
which at that time was new and unchartered territory.
Perhaps Debussy's greatest achievement as a composer - and
there were many - is his development of timbre. Although the tonal
relationships and harmonic content of music were of the utmost
importance to him - and his contributions in this area were original and
profound - he also created a revolution in the area of pure sound. He
combined different instruments in ways that produced radical new
textures; his sense of register (what range an instrument plays in) was
utterly original; and his free-associating, uninhibited tonal colors
influenced virtually every composer who followed him. For this and
many other trends in 20th century music, we owe Debussy our
gratitude. His works sound today as fresh and new as they did 100
years ago, a remarkable testament to a unique and original musical
| 好梦留人睡, 夜夜除非 |
| 酒入愁肠,化作相思泪 |
m;33m※ 来源: 华南木棉站 .
※ 来源:.紫 丁 香[FROM:]
※ 转载:.哈工大紫丁香[FROM:]
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