Emprise 版 (精华区)
发信人: dantao (涛涛), 信区: Emprise
标 题: 书剑恩仇录1-8
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Wed Jul 29 15:29:58 1998), 转信
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发信人: gallstone (gallstone), 信区: Emprise
标 题: 英译《书剑恩仇录》(一)之(8)
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Fri Jun 27 06:36:56 1997)
** 8 **
Lu Feiqing galloped westwards, braving strong winds which
whipped his face. Passing through Black Gold Gorge, he noticed
the blood spilled during the previous day's battle had already
been washed away by the rain. He covered about twenty miles in
one stretch and arrived at a small market fair. Although the
sky was growing dark, he was impatient to continue on his way
but his horse was exhausted. As he considered what to do, he
saw a Muslim at the edge of the fair leading two large,
well-fed horses and looking around as if waiting for someone.
Lu went over and asked if he could buy one of them. The Muslim
shook his head. Lu reached into his cloth bundle and took out
a large silver ingot, but the Muslim shook his head again.
Anxious and impatient, Lu turned the bundle upside down and
six or seven more silver ingots fell out: he offered them all.
The Muslim waved his hand to indicate the horse was definitely
not for sale, and Lu dejectedly began to put the ingots back
into his bundle. As he did so, the Muslim glimpsed a dart
amongst the ingots, which he picked up and examined closely.
It was the dart Huo Qingtong had thrown at Lu after he
followed her to the Muslim camp site. He asked where the dart
came from. In a flash of inspiration, Lu said Huo Qingtong was
his friend and that she had given the dart to him. The Muslim
nodded, placed the dart back in Lu's hand and passed over the
reins of one of the horses. Delighted, Lu pulled out an ingot
of silver again, but the Muslim waved his hand in refusal and
walked away.
"I would never have guessed that such a flower of a girl would
have such great influence among the Muslims," Lu thought.
He rode off, and in the next town, came across more Muslims.
He pulled out the dart and was immediately able to trade his
mount for another strong horse.
Lu continued to change horses the whole way and, eating dry
provisions as he rode, he covered two hundred miles in a day
and a night. Towards evening on the second day, he arrived at
Anxi. Lu was a man of great strength, but he was getting on in
years, and galloping for so long without rest had exhausted
him. As soon as he entered the city, he took out the red
flower Wen had given him and stuck it in his lapel. Only a few
steps later, two men in short jackets appeared in front of
him, saluted and invited him to accompany them to a
restaurant. Once there, one of the men sat with him while the
other excused himself and left. Lu's companion was extremely
courteous, and ordered food and wine without asking any
After three cups of wine, another man hurried in, came over to
them and saluted with his fists. Lu quickly stood up and
returned the salute. The man, aged about thirty, wore an
ordinary gown. He asked Lu for his name and Lu told him.
"So you are Master Lu of the Wudang School," the man said. "We
have often heard our Third Brother Zhao speak of you. I have
great admiration for you. Our meeting today is very
"What is your honourable name?" Lu asked.
"My name is Wei."
"Please take a seat, sir," Lu's first companion said. He
saluted both Lu and Wei, and then left.
"Our Society's Young Helmsman and many of our brothers are
here in Anxi," said Wei. "If we had known you were coming,
they would certainly have all been here to greet you. In a
moment, if you don't mind, we will go and everyone can pay
their respects to you."
They left the restaurant and rode out of the city.
"You have met our Fourth Brother Wen Tailai and his wife," Wei
"Yes. How did you know?"
"The flower you are wearing is Brother Wen's. It has four
green leaves."
Lu was surprised at how openly Wei talked about their
society's secret signs, treating him not in the slightest like
an outsider.
After a while, they arrived at an imposing Taoist monastery
surrounded by tall, ancient trees. Over the main gate was a
wooden tablet inscribed with four large characters: "Jade
Nothingness Taoist Monastery". Two Taoist priests standing in
front of the monastery bowed respectfully. Wei invited Lu
inside, and a young apprentice priest brought tea. Wei
whispered in his ear, and the apprentice nodded and went
inside. Lu was just about to raise his cup when he heard
someone in the inner hall shout: "Brother Lu! I've been
worried to death about you..." It was Lu's old comrade, Zhao
Zhao's questions came thick and fast. "Where have you been all
these years? What brings you here?"
Lu brushed the questions aside. "There is an urgent matter to
be discussed first. Your honourable society's Brother Wen is
in serious trouble."
He outlined the predicament of Wen and his wife. Even before
he had finished, Wei ran inside to report. While he was still
talking, Lu heard Wei arguing loudly with someone in the
"Why are you holding me back?" the other shouted. "I must go
to help Brother Wen now!"
"You're too impatient," Wei replied. "It must be discussed by
everyone first, and then it is up to the Young Helmsman to
decide who goes." The other continued to protest.
Taking Lu by the hand, Zhao walked into the courtyard, and Lu
saw the hunchback who had severed the tail of Yuanzhi's horse.
Wei gave the hunchback a push. "Go and pay your respects to
Master Lu," he said. The hunchback walked over and stared
dumbly at him for a moment. Lu knew the hunchback remembered
his face and, uneasy at the thought of how Yuanzhi had laughed
at him that day, he was about to apologise when the hunchback
"You have ridden more than two hundred miles in a night and a
day to report on behalf of Brother Wen. I, Hunchback Zhang
Jin, thank you!" He knelt down, and kowtowed to Lu four times,
his head banging on the flagstones.
Lu wanted to stop him but it was already too late, so all he
could do was to kneel down and return the gesture.
The hunchback stood up. "I am leaving now," he announced. As
he passed through the circular doorway, a very short man
coming in the other way caught hold of the hunchback. "Where
are you going?" he asked.
"I am going to find Brother Wen and Mistress Luo Bing. Come
with me." Without waiting for an answer, the hunchback pulled
him along by the wrist.
The hunchback Zhang Jin had been born with a deformed body,
but his strength was frightening. When talking to others, he
often referred to himself as 'Hunchback Zhang', but anyone
else calling him a 'hunchback' was courting disaster. He
ranked 10th in seniority in the Red Flower Society; his
travelling companion was Xu Tianhong who ranked seventh. Xu
was very short and slight in build, almost the size of a
dwarf, but his wisdom and resource made him the Red Flower
Society's chief tactician, and the fighting community had
dubbed him 'The Kung Fu Mastermind'.
One by one, the other members of the Red Flower Society came
out and were introduced to Lu. They were all famous heroes and
Lu recognised most of them after having passed them on the
road several days before. The formal greetings were kept to a
minimum, and after a moment the one-armed Taoist priest, who
ranked second within the society, said: "Let us go and see the
Young Helmsman."
They went through to the rear courtyard and entered a large
room. On one of the wooden walls a huge 'encirclement chess'
board had been carved.* (* the game, Wei Qi, is best known by
its Japanese name - Go.) Two men were sitting on a couch about
thirty feet away, fingering chess pieces and throwing them at
the vertical board, each piece lodging itself in the lines
which formed the squares. In all his wide experience, Lu had
never seen chess played in such a manner. Playing white was a
young man with a refined face wearing a white gown who looked
like the son of a nobleman. His opponent, playing black, was
an old man dressed in farmer's clothes.
"I wonder who this old hero is," Lu thought. "Never have I
seen anyone with his strength and accuracy." He could see
black was in a dangerous position, and that with just one more
move by white, all the black pieces would be lost. The young
man threw a piece, but his aim was slightly off: the piece
failed to embed itself in the intersection of the lines and
fell to the floor. The old man laughed.
"You missed," he said. "Admit defeat!" He pushed the chess
pieces aside and stood up.
His opponent smiled. "We'll have another game in a while,
teacher," he said. The old man saw the group entering, and
strode out of the room without so much as a greeting.
"Young Helmsman," Zhao said. "This is Brother Lu Feiqing of
the Wudang School." And to Lu: "This is our Young Helmsman. I
hope you will get to know one another well."
The young man brought his two fists together in salute. "My
name is Chen Jialuo. I would greatly appreciate your honoured
Lu was surprised to find that this Young Helmsman gave every
appearance of being a dissolute young man from a wealthy
family, the complete opposite of the rest of the bandit-like
Zhao informed the Young Helmsman of how Wen had taken refuge
in Iron Gall Manor, and asked him for a plan of action. The
Young Helmsman turned to the Taoist priest. "Priest Wu Chen,"
he said. "Please give us your advice."
A large, fat man, whom Zhao had introduced a moment before as
'Iron Pagoda' Yang, stood up and shouted: "Fourth Brother is
badly wounded, someone we have never met before has ridden
hard for a day and a night to report to us, and we are still
deferring to each other. We will kill Fourth Brother with all
this deference! Can we stop this nonsense? Who dares to
disregard the wishes of the old Master? Young Helmsman, if you
do not respect the dying wish of your foster father, you are
unfilial. If you despise us brothers so much that you are
unwilling to become our leader, then the Red Flower Society's
seventy or eighty thousand members may as well go their
separate ways."
Everyone began talking at once: "We cannot remain leaderless
like this! If the Young Helmsman continues to defer, our
devotion will be finished! Fourth Brother is in trouble! We
must follow the Young Helmsman's orders and go to save him!"
The young man, Chen, looked greatly distressed. His eyebrows
drew together in a deep frown as he silently pondered the
"Brothers!" shouted one of the Twin Knights of Sichuan. "Since
the Young Helmsman obviously despises us, we two intend to
return to Sichuan as soon as Fourth Brother has been rescued."
Chen saw he had no alternative and saluted the heroes with his
fists. "Brother Wen is in trouble and we can wait no longer.
All of you insist that I become Helmsman, and because of the
respect I have for you, I will do as you say."
The heroes of the Red Flower Society shouted and applauded
with delight and relief.
"Well then," said the Taoist priest. "The Great Helmsman
should now pay his respects to his predecessor and accept the
Flower of Authority."
Lu knew that each society had its own special rites and
ceremonies of which the initiation of a new leader was by far
the most important. As an outsider, Lu felt uncomfortable
about being present during such a ceremony, so he
congratulated Chen and immediately excused himself. He was
extremely weary after his journey, and Zhao led him to a room
where he washed and slept. When he awoke, it was already
"The Great Helmsman has left with the others for Iron Gall
Manor," Zhao said. "But he left me here to keep you company.
We can follow on tomorrow."
And then, after two decades apart, the two men talked. They
talked of the doings of the fighting community over the years,
the good and the bad, the living and the dead, until the east
grew light.
"Your Great Helmsman is so young," said Lu. "He looks like
nothing more than just another rich man's son. Why are you all
willing to follow him?"
"It would take a long time to explain," Zhao replied. "You
rest for a while longer and we can talk again later when we're
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