Emprise 版 (精华区)
发信人: dantao (涛涛), 信区: Emprise
标 题: 书剑恩仇录7-1
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Thu Jul 30 12:07:47 1998), 转信
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发信人: skyandfly (飞飞☆黄金之翼~~千亿的星辰 千亿的光芒), 信区: Emprise
标 题: part7-1
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Fri Jun 26 00:59:27 1998)
The Book and The Sword
Copyright Graham Earnshaw 1995
** 1 **
Many hours later, they heard shouting in the distance. The sound
of galloping hooves and clashing swords increased in volume until
they heard a man near the pit shout: "Daughter! Master Chen!
Where are you?"
"Father! Father! We're here!" Princess Fragrance called.
The heroes leapt out of the pit and saw Muzhuolun, sabre in hand,
galloping towards them with a ragged bunch of Muslim soldiers
behind, fighting bravely. Princess Fragrance ran to him crying
"Father! Father!"
Muzhuolun took her in his arms. "Don't be afraid," he said
soothingly. "I have come to save you."
Xu jumped onto the back of a horse to get a better view of the
situation. He saw a great cloud of dust rising to the east and knew
the Manchu armoured cavalry were coming.
"Master Muzhuolun!" he called. "Let's retreat to that high ground
to the west!" Muzhuolun immediately ordered his troops to
comply. They started out from the pit with the Manchus close
behind, and as they reached the hill, saw another force of Manchu
troops moving in from the west.
"Huo Qingtong was right," Muzhuolun thought glumly. "I should
not have accused her like that. She must be feeling very bad."
They threw up temporary defences on the hilltop and settled down
to wait for an opportunity to escape. With the Muslims firmly
established on high ground, the Manchus did not dare, for the
moment, to attack.
安 忍 不 动 如 大 地
静 虑 深 思 似 密 藏
※ 来源:·BBS 水木清华站 bbs.net.tsinghua.edu.cn·[FROM: ns.pubnic.buaa.]
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