Emprise 版 (精华区)
发信人: dantao (涛涛), 信区: Emprise
标 题: 书剑恩仇录7-4
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Thu Jul 30 12:09:16 1998), 转信
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发信人: skyandfly (飞飞☆黄金之翼~~千亿的星辰 千亿的光芒), 信区: Emprise
标 题: part7-4
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Fri Jun 26 01:01:41 1998)
** 4 **
More than ten thousand Manchu cavalry chased westwards after
the Third Unit of the Muslim's Black Flag Brigade. The Muslims
were riding the best horses, but the commander of the Manchu
troops was under orders from General Zhao Wei to catch the
Muslim force, and he urged his men on mercilessly. The two
armies charged across the desert, the roar of horses's hooves
sounding like thunder. After a few dozen miles, a herd of several
thousand cattle and sheep suddenly appeared in the path of the
Manchu army and the soldiers chased after them shouting for joy,
and killed as many as they could for food. Their pace slowed. The
Muslims, meanwhile, galloped on, never once being forced to
clash with the pursuing Manchu troops. Close to evening, they saw
a pall of thick smoke rising from the east.
"Mistress Huo Qingtong has won!" The Muslim commander
shouted. "Turn back east!" The warriors' spirits soared and they
reined their horses round. Seeing them turning, the Manchu troops
were perplexed and charged forward to attack, but the Muslims
swung round them at a distance, the Manchus following.
The Muslim units galloped through the night, the Manchus always
in sight. The Manchu commander wanted to gain great merit for
himself, and many of his cavalry horses died of exhaustion.
Towards midnight, they came across General Zhao Wei riding in
front of about three thousand wounded. Zhao Wei's hope rose
slightly as he saw the Manchu column approach.
"After their success, the enemy will be in a state of
unpreparedness," he thought. "So if we attack now, we will be
able to turn defeat into victory." He ordered the troops to advance
towards the Black River, and after ten miles or so, scouts reported
that the Muslim army was camped ahead. Zhao Wei led his
commanders onto a rise to view the scene and a chill shook each
of them to the bottom of their hearts.
The entire plain was covered in camp fires, stretching seemingly
endlessly before them. They heard from far off the shouts of men
and the neighing of horses, and they wondered how many warriors
the Muslims had mustered. Zhao Wei was silent.
"With such a huge army against us, no wonder...no wonder we
have encountered some set-backs," one of the senior military
officials, Commander Herda, said.
Zhao Wei turned to the others. "All units are to mount up and
retreat south," he ordered. "No-one is to make a sound."
The order was received badly by the troops who had hoped to
stop at least long enough for a meal.
"According to the guides, the road south passes the foot of
Yingqipan Mountain and is very dangerous after heavy snows,"
Herda pointed out.
"The enemy's forces are so powerful, we have no choice but to
head southeast and try to meet up with General Fu De," Zhao Wei
The remnants of the great army headed south, and found the road
becoming more and more treacherous as they went. To the left
was the Black River, to the right, the Yingqipan Mountain. The
night sky was cloudy and ink-black, and the only light was a faint
glow reflecting off the snow further up the mountain slope.
Zhao Wei issued a further order: "Whoever makes a sound will be
immediately executed." Most of the soldiers came from Northeast
China and knew that any noise could shake loose the heavy snow
above them and cause an avalanche that would kill them all. They
all dismounted and led their horses along with extreme care, many
walking on tip-toe. Three or four miles further on, the road
became very steep, but as luck would have it, the sky was by now
growing light. The Manchu troops had been fighting and running
for a whole day and a night, and there was a deathly expression on
the face of each one.
Suddenly, there was a shout from a scout and several hundred
Muslim warriors appeared on the road ahead standing behind a
number of primitive cannons. Scared out of their wits, the Manchu
troops were thrown into confusion and many turned and fled just
as the cannons went off with a roar, spraying iron shards and nails
into them, instantly killing more than two hundred.
As the boom of the cannon faded, Zhao Wei heard a faint rustling
noise, and felt a coldness on his neck as a small amount of snow
fell inside his collar. He looked up the mountain side and saw the
snow fields above them slowly beginning to move.
"General!" Herda shouted. "We must escape!"
Zhao Wei reined his horse round and started galloping back the
way they had come. His bodyguards slashed and hacked at the
soldiers in their path, frantically pushing them off the road into the
river below as the rumble of the approaching snow avalanche
grew louder and louder. Suddenly, tons of snow intermingled with
rocks and mud surged down onto the road with a deafening roar
that shook the heavens.
Zhao Wei, with Herda on one side and Zhang Zhaozhong on the
other, escaped the catastrophe. They galloped on for more than a
mile before daring to stop. When they did look back, they saw the
several thousand troops had been buried by snow drifts more than
a hundred feet thick. The road ahead was also covered in deep
snow. Surrounded by such danger and having lost an entire army
of forty thousand men in one day, Zhao Wei burst into tears.
"General, let us go up the mountain slope," said Zhang. He picked
up Zhao Wei and raced off up the slope with Herda following
along behind.
Huo Qingtong, watching from a distant crest, shouted: "Someone's
trying to escape! Catch them quickly!" Several dozen Muslims ran
off to intercept them. When they saw the three were wearing the
uniforms of officials, they rubbed their hands in delight, determined
to catch them alive. Zhang silently increased his pace. Despite the
weight of Zhao Wei, he seemed to fly across the treacherously
slippery slope. Herda could not keep up with him and was cut off
by the Muslims and captured after a spirited fight. Apart from
Zhao Wei and Zhang, only a few dozen of the Manchu troops
survived the avalanche.
Huo Qingtong led the Muslim warriors back to their camp, along
with the prisoners. By now, the Muslims had taken the main
Manchu camp, thereby acquiring huge supplies of food and
weapons. The Four Tigers were among those taken prisoner after
being found bound and gagged inside a tent. Chen asked them
why they had been put there, and the eldest of the four giants
replied: "Because we helped you. General Zhao said he would
have us killed after the battle." Chen pleaded before Huo Qingtong
to allow the four to go free, and she agreed.
安 忍 不 动 如 大 地
静 虑 深 思 似 密 藏
※ 来源:·BBS 水木清华站 bbs.net.tsinghua.edu.cn·[FROM: ns.pubnic.buaa.]
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