English 版 (精华区)
发信人: Stiga (云淡风清), 信区: English
标 题: Jupiter`s Fondness for Semele
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2002年12月25日16:23:15 星期三), 站内信件
Jupiter`s Fondness for Semele
Not only with immortals but with mortals were Jupiter`s relations sometimes
of a dubious character His devotion to the beautiful daughters of men involv
ed him in frequent altercations with his justly jealous spouse. Love passage
s concerning Io and Europa have been narrated. Here is a story about his fon
dness for Semele.
Semele was the daughter of Cadmus, founder of Thebes. She was descended, thr
ough both parents, from the gods; for her mother Harmonia was daughter to Ma
rs and the laughter-loving Venus. To Semele Jupiter had appeared, and had pa
id court in unostentatious manner and simple guise. But Juno, to gratify her
resentment against this new rival for her lord`s affections, contrived a pl
an for her destruction. Assuming the form of Beroe, the aged nurse of Semele
, she insinuated doubts whether it was indeed Jove himself who came as a lov
er. Heaving a sigh, she said, "I hope it will turn out so, but I can`t help
being afraid. People are not always what they pretend to be. If he is indeed
Jove, make him give some proof of it. Ask him to come arrayed in all his sp
lendors, such as he wears in Heaven. That will put the matter beyond a doubt
." Semele was persuaded to try the experiment. She asks a favor, without nam
ing what it is. Jove gives his promise, and confirms it with the irrevocable
oath, attesting the river Styx, terrible to the gods themselves. Then she m
ade known her request. The god would have stopped her as she spake, but she
was too quick for him. The words escaped, and he could neither unsay his pro
mise nor her request. In deep distress he returned to the upper regions. The
re he clothed himself in his splendors, not putting on all his terrors, as w
hen he overthrew the giants, but what is known among the gods as his lesser
panoply. With thunders and lightnings he entered the chamber of Semele. Her
mortal frame could not endure the splendors of the immortal radiance. She wa
s consumed to ashes. Her son was the god Bacchus.
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