English 版 (精华区)
发信人: icecap (暖一暖), 信区: English
标 题: 百步穿杨
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2003年04月15日17:32:32 星期二), 站内信件
Bai Bu Chuan Yang
Bai Bu Chuan Yang literally means: “shoot an arrow through a will
ow leaf a hundred paces away.” We use it to describe people who make every
shot count. It comes from a very old story.
In the State of Chu about 2,500 years ago, there was a famous arche
r named Yang Youji. He was a strong and brave man. At that time, there was a
nother well-known archer, Pan Hu. One day, they met in a field and decided t
o see who was the best with a bow and arrow. A lot of people came to watch.
The target was a board, 50 paces away. On the board, there was a red
dot. Pan Hu quickly shot three arrows, one after the other. They all hit th
e red dot. The onlookers cheered. Obviously very pleased with himself, Pan H
u looked smugly at Yang Youji and said, “There! Now you try it.”
Yang looked around and answered: “ To hit the red dot at fifty paces
is a snap. I can shoot a willow leaf at one hundred paces." He then pointed
to a willow tree about a hundred yards away, and asked someone to choose a
leaf and paint it red. With a twang of the bow string, the arrow flew throug
h the air and went dead through the center of the red leaf.
The people were amazed. Pan Hu knew he had no such ability, but he al
so couldn't believe that Yang could hit a willow leaf every time. So he went
to the willow tree and chose three leaves, which he listed as one, two, and
three. Then he asked Yang to shoot them in order.
Yang did not say a word. He took up his bow and let off three arrows.
It was unbelievable! Each arrow pierced the very center of the selected lea
f. The people cheered even louder.
Yang was very proud of his performance, but he suddenly heard someone nearby
say: “He still needs some instruction." Hearing this, Yang was very angry,
and found the person who said it. “Do you want to teach me archery?” he d
The man replied calmly: “I do not come here to teach you archery, bu
t to let you know how to keep your reputation. I see that you have been here
a long time, and you are getting tired. If you continue, and miss with even
one arrow, your reputation will be harmed. A person who is good at archery
should know how to keep his reputation. You should stop now.”
Hearing this, Yang accepted his advice, and called it a day.
From Yang’s marksmanship, people drew the idiom Bai Bu Chuan Yang—s
hoot an arrow through a willow leaf a hundred paces away. Now it is used to
describe someone who shoots with great accuracy. So if you find someone who
is highly skilled with a gun or a bow and arrow, or at darts even, you can u
se the idiom Bai Bu Chuan Yang.
Everyday we have
is one more than we deserve
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香 bbs.hit.edu.cn·[FROM:]
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