English 版 (精华区)
发信人: icecap (暖一暖), 信区: English
标 题: 半途而废
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2003年04月15日17:33:10 星期二), 站内信件
Ban Tu Er Fei
Ban Tu Er Fei literally means: halfway, give up. We use it to descri
be those who do things by halves. But where does this idiom come from?
During the Warring States period, about 2,400 years ago, a man called
Yue Yangzi lived on the south bank of the Yangtze River with his kind, cons
iderate wife. One day, Yue Yangzi found a piece of gold on the way home and
gave it to his wife. But when she saw it, and to his great surprise and disa
ppointment, she was angry, and said to him: “An ambitious person will not d
rink the water of Thief Lake, for this would destroy his determination. Hone
st people will not accept charity, for it is humiliating. Surely, keeping so
mething you found on the road will harm your reputation.” On hearing this,
Yue Yangzi felt ashamed of himself. He returned to the place where he had fo
und the gold and put it back, then bid farewell to his wife and went away to
study and seek wisdom.
After only one year, Le Yingzi came back home. His wife asked him: “
How could you come back only after one year's study?” He answered: “After
a while, I began to miss you terribly, so I am back to see you.” His wife t
hen picked up a pair of scissors, walked over to her loom, and said: “Look
at this silk cloth, of the finest silk. The silk is drawn out of the cocoons
. The silk is spun into thread, and the cloth is woven, thread by thread, an
d, very slowly, it grows, from a thin strip, to inches, and eventually into
a magnificent length of shimmering cloth. But if it is cut now, all the work
put into it would be wasted. The same applies to your studies.”
Yue Yangzi was very moved by his wife’s words, and went off again to
his books. This time, it was seven years before he returned home, and he ha
d become a famous scholar. Later, the king of the State of Wei appointed him
to a high position, and Yue Yangzi made many great achievements.
From what his wife said to him, people drew the idiom Ban Tu Er Fei,
to stop halfway. Now it is used to describe someone who does things by halve
Everyday we have
is one more than we deserve
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香 bbs.hit.edu.cn·[FROM:]
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