English 版 (精华区)
发信人: palio (芷水), 信区: English
标 题: 《幽梦影》——林语堂译(61)
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2003年07月12日20:43:34 星期六), 站内信件
Girls between fourteen and twenty-five of whatever locality usually have a
charming accent, but when you see their faces, there is a great difference
between the ugly and the beautiful.
Hanchen: There is some truth in the saying that the bamboo screen is the
courtesan's means of attraction.
Chupo: When one has an ugly maid, it is not a bad idea to insist on talking
with her across a door, or if there are a number of them, listen to them
whispering in the next room.
Yungching: But if there is a pretty one with a coarse masculine voice, what
are you going to do?
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