English 版 (精华区)
发信人: palio (芷水), 信区: English
标 题: 《幽梦影》——林语堂译(65)
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2003年07月14日08:26:25 星期一), 站内信件
It is good to look at a lady at her morning toilet after she has powdered her
Tanshin: What would be the time to look at a lady's evening toilet? What is
Shintsai's opinion?
Pingchih: Hush!Hush!
Tienchih: For evening toilet, the time should be when the lady is slightly
drunk.But at that time one's eyes are blurred, too.
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※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香 bbs.hit.edu.cn·[FROM:]
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