English 版 (精华区)
发信人: palio (芷水), 信区: English
标 题: 三戒(三)
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2003年05月18日18:18:27 星期天), 站内信件
发信人: leeyq (阿勇), 信区: EnglishWorld
标 题: 三戒(三)
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Sat May 13 23:49:30 2000)
Dunk of Qian
There wasn't any dunk in Qian until a idler shipped one. But being of no use
, it was abandoned in a valley. When a tiger found the new comer, it was not
sure what it was and only hid in the bush far away, gazing at the massive d
eity. Though trying to get nearer, the tiger just got no idea of what the du
nk really could do to itself!
One day, one sound of howl of the dunk almost shocked the tiger that conside
red it the signal of attack. As tiger didn't find any other skill of the dun
k, it got used to the horrible howl gradually, but still dared not to fight
against it. To get more information in detail, the tiger hoaxed it but only
got a kick. It's the very kick that alluded the tiger that was the top skill
of the dunk. Then the tiger ate it up and went away!
※ 来源:·BBS 水木清华站 smth.org·[FROM:]
※ 修改:·palio 於 05月18日18:19:04 修改本文·[FROM:]
※ 转载:.哈工大紫丁香 bbs.hit.edu.cn.[FROM:]
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