English 版 (精华区)
发信人: ciel (Letherintoyourheart), 信区: English
标 题: Bible-1 Samuel(29)
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2004年04月20日21:28:00 星期二), 站内信件
29:1 非利士人将他们的军旅聚到亚弗。以色列人在耶斯列的泉旁安营。
The Philistines gathered all their forces at Aphek, and Israel camped by the
spring in Jezreel.
29:2 非利士人的首领各率军队,或百或千,挨次前进。大卫和跟随他的人同着亚吉跟在
As the Philistine rulers marched with their units of hundreds and thousands,
David and his men were marching at the rear with Achish.
29:3 非利士人的首领说,这些希伯来人在这里作什么呢?亚吉对他们说,这不是以色列
The commanders of the Philistines asked, 'What about these Hebrews?' Achish
replied, 'Is this not David, who was an officer of Saul king of Israel? He
has already been with me for over a year, and from the day he left Saul until
now, I have found no fault in him.'
29:4 非利士人的首领向亚吉发怒,对他说,你要叫这人回你所安置他的地方,不可叫他
But the Philistine commanders were angry with him and said, 'Send the man
back, that he may return to the place you assigned him. He must not go with
us into battle, or he will turn against us during the fighting. How better
could he regain his master's favor than by taking the heads of our own men?
29:5 从前以色列的妇女跳舞唱和说,扫罗杀死千千,大卫杀死万万,所说的不是这个大
Isn't this the David they sang about in their dances: ' 'Saul has slain his
thousands, and David his tens of thousands'?'
29:6 亚吉叫大卫来,对他说,我指着永生的耶和华起誓,你是正直人。你随我在军中出
So Achish called David and said to him, 'As surely as the Lord lives, you
have been reliable, and I would be pleased to have you serve with me in the
army. From the day you came to me until now, I have found no fault in you,
but the rulers don't approve of you.
29:7 现在你可以平平安安地回去,免得非利士人的首领不欢喜你。
Turn back and go in peace; do nothing to displease the Philistine rulers.'
29:8 大卫对亚吉说,我作了什么呢?自从仆人到你面前,直到今日,你查出我有什么过
'But what have I done?' asked David. 'What have you found against your
servant from the day I came to you until now? Why can't I go and fight
against the enemies of my lord the king?'
29:9 亚吉说,我知道你在我眼前是好人,如同神的使者一般。只是非利士人的首领说,
Achish answered, 'I know that you have been as pleasing in my eyes as an
angel of God; nevertheless, the Philistine commanders have said, 'He must not
go up with us into battle.'
29:10 故此你和跟随你的人,就是你本主的仆人,要明日早晨起来,等到天亮回去吧。
Now get up early, along with your master's servants who have come with you,
and leave in the morning as soon as it is light.'
29:11 于是大卫和跟随他的人早晨起来,回往非利士地去。非利士人也上耶斯列去了。
So David and his men got up early in the morning to go back to the land of
the Philistines, and the Philistines went up to Jezreel.
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