English 版 (精华区)
发信人: rex (一生悬命), 信区: English
标 题: Famous Speech(3)
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Thu Jul 16 09:59:31 1998), 站内信件
作 家: oli (西西 ) on board 'english'
题 目: Famous Speech (3)
来 源: 哈尔滨紫丁香站
日 期: Sat Aug 2 21:38:38 1997
出 处: oli.bbs@rose.dlut.edu.cn
发信人: scyz (该走就走喽^_^), 信区: ENGLISH
标 题: Famous Speech(3)
发信站: 碧海青天 (Wed Jul 30 03:07:17 1997), 转信
Inaugural Address
Senator Dirksen,Mr.Chief Justice,Mr.Vice president,
President Johnson,Vice president Humphrey,my fellow
Americans and my fellow citizens of the world community:
I ask you to share with me today the majesty of this
moment.In the orderly transfer of power,we celebrate the
unity that keeps us free.
Each moment in history is a fleeting time,precious and
unique.But some stand out as moments of beginning ,in which
course are set that shape decades or centuries.
For the first time,because the people of the world want
peace and the leader of the world are afraid of war,the times
are on the side of peace.
The greatest honor history can bestow is the title of
peace-maker.This honor now beckons America梩he chance
to help lead the word at last out of the valley of turmoil and on
to that high ground of peace that man has dreamed of since
the dawn of civilization.
If we succeed, generation to come will say of us now
living that we mastered our moment ,that we helped make the
world safe for mankind.
Standing in this same place a third of a century
ago,Franklin Delano Roosevelt addressed the nation ravaged
by depression,gripped in fear.He could say in surveying the
nation`s trouble:"They concern ,thank God ,only material
Our crisis today is in reverse.
We find ourselves rich in goods , but ragged in spirit;
reaching with magnificent precision for the moon,but falling
into raucous discord on earth.
We are caught in war, wanting peace.We are torn by
division,wanting unity.We see around us empty lives,wanting
fulfillment.We see tasks that need wanting for hands to do
To a crisis of the spirit ,We need an answer of the spirit.
And to find the answer ,we need only look within
As we measure what can be done.we shall promise only
what we know we can produce;but as we chart our goals we
shall be lifted by our dreams.
No man can be fully free while his neighbor is not .To go
forwards at all is to go forward together.
This means black and white together ,as one nation,not
two.The law have caught up with our conscience.What
remains is to give life to what is in the law: to insure at last that
as all are born equal in dignity before God ,all are born equal
in dignity before man
As we learn to go forward together at home ,let us also
seek togo forward with mankind.
Only a few short weeks ago,we shared the glory of
man`s first sight of the world as God sees it,as a single sphere
reflecting light in the darkness.
As Apollo astronauts flew over the moon`s gray surface
on Christmas Eve,they spoke to us of the beauty of the earth
and in that voice so clear across the lunar distance we heard
them invoke God`s blessing on its goodness.
In that moment of surpassing technological triumph,men
turned their thoughts toward home and humanity---see ing in
that far perspective that man`s destiny on earth is not
divisible ;telling us that however far we reach into the cosmos
our destiny lies not in the stars but on earth itself ,in our own
hands ,in our own hearts.
Our destiny offers not the cup of despair ,but the chalice
of opportunity.So let us seize it , not in fear ,but in
gradness---and readers on the earth together," let us go
forward ,form in our faith ,steadfast in our purpose,cautious
of the dangers ;but sustained by our confidence in the will of
God and the promise of man.
※ 来源:.碧海青天 bbs.dlut.edu.cn.[FROM:]
※ 来源:·哈尔滨紫丁香站 bbs1.hit.edu.cn·[FROM: oli.bbs@rose.dlut.ed]
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