English 版 (精华区)
发信人: hlucy (齐齐), 信区: English
标 题: 老人与海
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Mon Sep 27 23:16:24 1999), 转信
book report:< the old man and the sea>
by lucy
The Old Man and the Sea is a short novel written by Ernest Hemingway,
which is completely published in the weekly magazine-Life in 1925. It
became one of the most popular books of that time and got a highly
praise from the critics.
Ernest Hemingway, the author of The Old Man and the Sea, was born in
Oak Park, Illinois, America, in 1899. As a little boy, he liked boxing
and football and wrote light stories. When he grew up he once had a sad
war experience, in which he was wounded in the knee. After he was back
to the United States he began his writing life. He had written a lot of
popular books which were widely read by the people all over the world,
such as The Sun Also Rises, A farewell to Arms, For Whom the Bell tolls,
the Death in the Afternoon, Green Hills of Africa and The Old Man and
the Sea. Especial The Old Man and the Sea made he win the Nobel Prize in
1954. From then on he surely became one of the most famous writers in
American literature.
The Old Man and the Sea are a short story of a poor, old fisherman Santiago
and his battle with a great marlin and the violence sharks. Santiago does
not catch a single fish for 84 days, but he does not loose his courage and
confidence. On the 85th day, he decided to go into the further part of the
sea, where huge fishes always live. It is lucky for him that he hooks a great
marlin, but the fish is too big to kill and it is impossible to be put into
his little boat. After three days of hard struggle with the fish, he finally
manages to kill it and tie it to his boat side. But on his way back, he has
to face the attacks of a lot of giant sharks which get the smell of the marlin's
blood and come to eat the dead body of the big fish. At last, he brought back
nothing but a skeleton of the marlin. He is too tired and exhausted, and he
falls asleep as soon as he goes to bed.
In this novel there is a famous saying " A man is not made for defeat… A man
can be destroyed but not defeated." This saying is not only the basic spirit of
this novel, but also the spirit of all Hemingway heroes in his novel. Hemingway
Hero is usually an average man of decidedly masculine tastes, sensitive and
intelligent. Also usually is a man of action and of few words. Hemingway Hero
always fights a solitary struggle against a force he does not even understand
and usually end in defeat, no matter how hard he strives, engenders a sense of
despair. But the Hemingway Hero possesses a kind of " despairing courage". Through
this novel we can clearly know the life-view of the author, that is "struggle".
※ 来源:.紫 丁 香 bbs.hit.edu.cn.[FROM: ppp227.hr.hl.cn]
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