English 版 (精华区)
发信人: icecap (玉暖生烟·Mystery), 信区: English
标 题: Tell Me Something about Love (2)
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2003年05月15日20:40:50 星期四), 站内信件
After a while, the road became narrower and steeper.Ever narrower, it was
ever more difficult to climb, and Faldan started to feel very tired.He came
to a point where there was no more road to follow, and before him he could
see nothing but a thick, steep forest.As he kept climbing, the air around h
im grew colder and colder, and his breath merged with the white mists around
him.Every now and then, peeking through a hole in the trees'foliage, he co
uld see that the top of the mountain was still very far away from him.He th
ought, "It's very strange, for years I have been a knight, I have crossed ri
vers and ranges of mountains, but I have never felt so tired as I feel today
.What can it be?"
With an effort, he reached a small spot near a cliff, where he sat on a
rock to rest.The landscape which appeared before his eyes was magnificent:
the whole valley and the wheat fields seemed almost unreal, seen through the
cold mists that floated in these heights.The question with which he left h
is castle was present in his heart.He decided to ask the mountain:"Can you
tell me something about love?" To his great surprise, the mountain answere
d.Its voice was deep and grave, and it came to him mixed with the echo of h
is own words."Traveller, you seem lost in the middle of your journey.I can
give you some advice." "Listen carefully" , the mountain said, "I will let
you know something about me." "I have been here for a very long time.A ti
me so long that you cannot imagine, and which cannot be expressed in human t
erms.Yes, I have always been here.And others before you have come to climb
me.But coming to me is a very difficult enterprise.Those who have conquer
ed the summit have first conquered themselves.Yes, what they conquer is the
ir own weakness, and not my height.Some, like you, see me here and they fee
l the desire to climb.But they come to me without preparation.And like you
, they fail."
"Some come back to me again and again, but each time I show them their
mistake.They have not prepared。And they fail again.But those who reach th
e top.Ah。What a wonderful scene they contemplate from the heights。This I
tell to you, Traveller:what they see is so beautiful, that it cannot be des
cribed with your limited words.No one will be able to describe it for you.
You have to see it for your self.But not today."Go。And come back one day.
" As he went down the mountain, the Southern Knight still heard the voice of
the mountain saying:"You may think I am cruel.But I am nothing but a test
." Now he had two answers.He knew that both of them were correct, but they
were quite different:one was Waiting, and the other was Preparing for a te
st.How could he find the true answer?Perhaps by mixing these two?As he th
ought about this matter, he kept walking for a long time until he arrived to
a field of sunflowers.
Walking slowly, he came close to a big sunflower which towered above th
e others.He said to himself, "Could it be that this flower could also tell
me something?" The sunflower said, "Yes, I can tell you something." The fl
ower seemed to notice his astonishment, so she said:"What is so surprising?
Don't you already know that we all can talk?But words are sometimes an obst
acle, and the heart is clearer than the tongue." "Look at the sun。He gives
me life and in return, he asks me for nothing.We are very far apart from e
ach other, but we are always together.Look at me。I even look a little like
him, don't you agree?Each day, I turn my face to the sun.From morning til
l night I follow him with my eyes.But he goes on in his journey, he gives m
e life and does not want me to be his.Neither I want him to be only for me.
We are both free of desire.Also look, my life is short.In fact, in a few d
ays my petals will all fall, as if I were crying them to the earth.And when
all my petals lie on the ground, then the sun will burn them to ashes."
"I'm sorry" , the knight said in an impulse.The sunflower chuckled qui
etly, amused at the man's words"You are sorry?Why?It is only natural for t
hat to hap pen.The same will happen to all the sunflowers in this field.Bu
t see this also:my seeds fall to the ground just as my petals do, and from
there, new sunflowers will grow.And they will also follow the sun with thei
r sunfaces.It will be like that, and the sun will keep on giving them life.
The Southern Knight stayed there, watching the sunflower as she waved g
oodbye.He smiled."Thank you" , he said to the sunflower, before resuming h
is march.
He kept thinking of how gentle the sunflower was, so different from the
stern and harsh mountain, so different from the slow tortoise.Now the answ
er to his question turned more complex:he realized that each of them was ri
ght in their own way, according to their own essence.But how to put their a
nswers together and find an answer according to his own essence?It seemed n
ot an easy task.(To be con tinued)
Everyday we have
is one more than we deserve
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