English 版 (精华区)
发信人: Christy (风中的绿叶), 信区: English
标 题: Desperate Isolation
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2001年12月22日23:37:17 星期六), 站内信件
Desperate Isolation
----My 2001
This should NOT be a conclusion!
Of what am I dreaming? Are they beautiful? I am not sure.
I always are driven into a number of thoughts by running time, which is
from a girl in purple leaving me alone to a farewell at Heathrow airport;
which is from hard work in Sencon to free conversations in Red Deer. Up to
now, I've realized that I once was a traveller who kept catching myself
alongside the one-dimensional time axis. Perhaps by thinking so I could keep
my composure, and move into a trap filled with smoke and red wine. Then I
would get relaxed and indulged little by little, and find myself naked and
immaculate from such a dirty world.
Hence, neither could my way to think be terminated, nor could I be yoked--
though this situation is temporary. Instantly, I gain freedom that ought to
be unconditional and that occurs after I emptied some relics strongly built
in my mind as a sort of primitive belief.
However, the fact is that belief does exist as a relatively permanent
material, even only as a block of decorated diamond. I wouldn't say it is
useless, at least it doesn't work under many circumstances. Therefore, I
still feel painful when declaring true love is nonsense; I still keep
confident when complaining life is unfair; and I still remain conceited when
denouncing the world is getting rotten. That's me, an objective existence
with full of contradictions involved. Those paradoxes become the source in
that I could have a spiritual shower, from that I could extract energy and
relying on that I could grasp independence.
Fine, go ahead! Will I be all right? Definitely! Will I be positive,
professional, noble and great? Maybe! Why not? You desperate guy, holding
endless loneliness, you are the guy who've got to do it. Admitting the
existence of isolation doesn't mean I will be in the future, but does show
I am aggressive.
Life is a process of understanding myself, since all is vanishing except the
everlasting change.
That IS the conclusion!
At this particular time, I would like to dedicate this essay to all of my
loved and beloved,especially to the girl used to be my sweetheart.
Many best wishes to all of you for your splendid future!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Yours sincerely,
Theron Christoper Farrell
The 22nd December 2001
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※ 修改:·Christy 於 12月22日23:37:31 修改本文·[FROM: 天外飞仙]
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