English 版 (精华区)
发信人: dandy (我在桥上看风景), 信区: English
标 题: Father Let's in the telephone
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Thu Nov 4 17:39:40 1999), 转信
Father Let's in the telephone
UP to the eighteen-nineties,when father walked
in the front door of his home and closed it behind
him,he shut out the world.telephones had been
invented but,like most people,he hadn't installed
one.There was no way for anybody to get at us
expect by climbing up the front stoop and ringing
the bell;and if the bell rang late at night,Father
looked out of the window to see who it was.He
thought nothing of this--homes had always been
shut off since men began building them,and it
seemed only natural.
Once in a long while a messenger boy would
bring him or Mother a telegram--maybe two or
three times a year.As this generally meant bad
news,we are nervous about getting telegrams.
No telegraph poles were aloud on fifth Avenue,
but they stood in long rows on other thoroughfares.
Old Margaret was mystified by all those wires,up
in the air.We had wires in our house,to be sure;
they had been strung inside the walls to ring bells
with;but they were good,honest old-fashioned wires
and to make them work we had to pull them.Electricity
was much too risky a thing to put in home,and
neither we boys nor Margaret could make out what it
was.All we knew about it was that there were electric
batteries in the Eden Musee which could and did give
~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
anyone who paid twenty-five cents a shock.You were
supposed to give yourself as big a shock as you could
stand.We had been cautious in trying them,expect George,
who had had a startling experience.He had taken hold of
one end of the thing in his right hand and moved it
way up,till the indicator pointed to far more "current"
than the rest of us had been able to stand,and yet he stood
there at ease for a while as though he were completely
immune.Then the lady in charge noticed that George hadn't
taken the other end in his left hand at all.He hadn't
understood that he ought to.When she told him that the way
to feel the current was to hold one end in each hand,he
immediately seized the left hand one without lowering
the right from its height.
get at us:找到我们
He thought nothing of this: 他不觉得这有什麽
No telegraph poles were aloud on fifth Avenue,
but they stood in long rows on other thoroughfares:
Eden Musee:伊甸博物馆
could and did give anyone who paid twenty-five cents a shock
行道迟迟,载渴载饥, 我心伤悲,哀人莫知。
※ 来源:.紫 丁 香 bbs.hit.edu.cn.[FROM:]
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