English 版 (精华区)
发信人: dandy (我在桥上看风景), 信区: English
标 题: "You Are My Dictionary" 你是我的字典
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Tue Nov 9 08:35:43 1999), 转信
You Are My Dictionary" 你是我的字典
Part 2
父亲很聪明,但是在求知的年龄时,他失去了听力。(his intelligence was
locked away),阅读,对父亲来说,简直是无法逾越的障碍。
I began to understand what he meant one evening when my mother gave
me money to phone a message to my father at the small upholstery shop
where he had found temporary work. I went to a pay phone and dialed
the number.
"I have a message for Mr. Sidransky, " I told the man who answered.
"I don't know any Mr. Sidransky. " The man was annoyed.
"His first name is Ben. He is my father. "
"Listen, girlie(girl后加-ie本来是爱称,但是这里稍带贬义), I don't have
time for this, I'm busy.
"He's deaf," I explained.
"Oh, you mean the Dummy. Why didn't you say that before?"
I don't remember the rest of that conversation. All I remember
is the word dummy.(傻子、木头)
I had heard my parents described as deaf-and-dumb all through my childhood.
I always took pains to explain that although they were deaf, they were not
dumb, not were they mute.
"Why do you let your boss call you Dummy?" I asked my father the next day.
He shrugged. "It is easier for them. They remember me. I was enraged. "You
are not a dummy. You are a smart man. Tell them your name is Benjamin. "
He smiled wanly(苍白的,无力的)."It is all right. I know I am not dummy,
that is enough. " He spoke of the men with benevolence, forbearing their
disdain when they called him Dummy or too roughly poked his shoulder for
attention. In a world of fools, locked in stillness, he was pleased with
himself. But I was not.
Dummy. I traced the hateful word on soot-laden(装满烟灰的) cars and erased
it with a swipe(猛的一挥) of my hand. I wrote it in my notebook, tore out
the page and crumpled(揉皱) the defamation(诽谤、诋毁) into a ball.
My father saw my anger. "Don't worry," he said. "I will improve my mind
every day. I will learn new words, and you, Ruth, are my teacher. You are
my dictionary."
I hugged him.
----------------------to be continued-------------------------
行道迟迟,载渴载饥, 我心伤悲,哀人莫知。
※ 来源:.紫 丁 香 bbs.hit.edu.cn.[FROM:]
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