English 版 (精华区)
发信人: Systems (落叶), 信区: English
标 题: U.S. Fires Missiles, Bombs Against Iraq
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2003年03月20日13:44:32 星期四), 站内信件
U.S. Fires Missiles, Bombs Against Iraq
Thursday March 20, 2003 5:30 AM
The United States launched the opening salvo Wednesday night of a war to top
ple Saddam Hussein, firing cruise missiles and precision-guided bombs agains
t selected targets in Baghdad.
``This will not be a campaign of half-measures and we will accept no outcome
but victory,'' President Bush said in an Oval Office address shortly after
explosions ricocheted through the pre-dawn light of the Iraqi capital.
Anti-aircraft tracer fire arced across the Baghdad sky as the American munit
ions bore in on their targets. A ball of fire shot skyward after one explosi
Saddam's state-run television broadcast a message of defiance to Americans i
n return: ``It's an inferno that awaits them. Let them try their faltering l
uck and they shall meet what awaits them.''
The missiles struck less than two hours after the expiration of Bush's deadl
ine for Saddam to surrender power or face war.
Bush described the targets as being of ``military importance,'' and one Whit
e House official said the attack was the result of fresh intelligence that p
rompted an earlier-than-planned opening strike.
One military official, speaking on condition of anonymity, identified them a
s ``leadership targets,'' members of the regime's ruling group, but said he
was not certain whether Saddam himself was one of them.
Even so, it was clear from Bush's words - he called it the opening stages of
a ``broad and concerted campaign'' - that the war to topple the Iraqi dicta
tor and eliminate his weapons of mass destruction had begun.
Earlier in the day, Bush told Congress the attack was part of a worldwide wa
r against terorrism, and American forces launched a raid in Afghanistan at t
he same time it struck in Iraq. About 1,000 members of the 82nd Airborne Div
ision moved into villages in southeastern Afghanistan, looking for members o
f the al-Qaida network.
In Iraq, an American-led invasion force of 300,000 troops awaited the order
to strike more broadly. U.S. and British forces massed in the Kuwaiti desert
close to the Iraqi border, giant B-52 warplanes were loaded with bombs and
Tomahawk missile-carrying ships were in position, all awaiting an attack ord
er from Bush.
Bush had given Saddam 48 hours to leave the country or face war.
The ultimatum expired at 8 p.m. EST - 4 a.m. Thursday in Baghdad, its popula
tion shrunken in recent days by an exodus of thousands of fearful residents.
Not long after, White House chief of staff Andrew Card informed the presiden
t that intelligence officials had no information that Saddam had left Iraq,
and Saddam's regime gave every appearance of digging in.
In the minutes after the deadline, Iraqi TV showed footage of a pro-Saddam m
arch Tuesday in Baghdad, with members of the crowd chanting pro-Saddam sloga
ns, some brandishing rifles and carrying pictures of Saddam.
``We are dedicated to martyrdom in defense of Iraq under your leadership,''
a loyal Iraqi parliament assured the Iraqi dictator before the U.S. attack,
and armed members of the ruling Baath party deployed behind hundreds of sand
bagged defensive positions in Baghdad.
Even so, 17 Iraqi soldiers surrendered to American GIs during the day, eager
to give up before the shooting started.
Bush met periodically throughout the day with his top aides at the White Hou
se and sent formal notice to Congress that reliance on ``further diplomatic
and other peaceful means alone'' would not suffice to counter ``the continui
ng threat posed by Iraq.''
White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said the nation ``ought to be prepared f
or the loss'' of American lives once the military effort begins to depose Sa
ddam and recover weapons of mass destruction.
Along with the U.S.-led force approaching 300,000 troops massed in the Persi
an Gulf region were 1,000 combat aircraft and five aircraft carrier battle g
roups. The United States claims the public or private support of 45 other na
tions in a coalition to topple Saddam. But only Britain, with about 40,000 t
roops, was making a sizable contribution to the military force.
In a run-up to war, U.S. aircraft also dropped nearly 2 million leaflets ove
r southern Iraq with a variety of messages, including, for the first time, i
nstructions to Iraqi troops on how to capitulate to avoid being killed.
Hundreds of miles away, at an air base in England, crews loaded bombs aboard
giant B-52 combat aircraft.
Apart from the desire to capture weapons of mass destruction, Bush's submiss
ion to Congress said a military attack could lead to the discovery of inform
ation that would allow the apprehension of terrorists living in the United S
tates. An attack, it said, ``is a vital part of the international war on ter
Despite deep divisions at the United Nations, Bush also claimed ``the author
ity - indeed, given the dangers involved, the duty - to use force against Ir
aq to protect the security of the American people and to compel compliance w
ith United Nations resolutions.''
The diplomatic wheels still turned at the United Nations, where foreign mini
sters met in the Security Council at the request of the French and Germans,
prominent critics of the American military operation.
``This is a sad day for the United Nations,'' said the organization's secret
ary-general, Kofi Annan. ``I know that millions of people around the world s
hare this sense of disappointment and are deeply alarmed.''
Bush abandoned diplomacy on Monday, and administration officials blamed Fren
ch intransigence for the lack of consensus on a new Security Council resolut
ion that would have given Saddam an ultimatum.
Another country in the region, Bahrain, publicly offered exile to Saddam ``i
n a dignified manner that should not be seen as undermining Iraq's position
and capabilities.''
``It's the last-hour chance and we hope that Iraq will accept this offer to
avoid war,'' Information Minister Nabil al-Hamer told The Associated Press.
Voici mon secret. Il est très simple:
on ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur.
L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香 bbs.hit.edu.cn·[FROM:]
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