English 版 (精华区)
发信人: Systems (落叶), 信区: English
标 题: Several Iraq Oil Wells Ablaze, U.S. Says
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2003年03月21日09:01:46 星期五), 站内信件
Several Iraq Oil Wells Ablaze, U.S. Says
Friday March 21, 2003 12:20 AM
NEAR THE KUWAIT-IRAQ BORDER (AP) - Flames lit up the nighttime desert sky Th
ursday from the direction of Iraq's petroleum center Basra, and U.S. forces
entering southern Iraq saw oil wells on fire.
U.S. military planners and oil importers have feared Saddam Hussein would or
der troops to sabotage their country's precious patrimony - 112 billion barr
els of oil in the world's second-largest proven crude reserves.
Retreating Iraqi troops burned Kuwait's oil fields during the 1991 Gulf War.
And worries mounted in recent weeks that Iraqis have rigged their oil wells
with explosives in hopes of slowing a U.S.-led attack and making the countr
y's oil wealth worthless for any new government.
U.S. Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld could not confirm any sabotage, sa
ying three or four oil wells may have been set afire. It was not immediately
clear how the fires started.
Still, oil markets reacted in a buying frenzy, afraid these sightings might
presage the wholesale destruction of Iraq's oil industry.
In London, May contracts of North Sea Brent crude surged as high as $27.50 b
efore closing lower at $25.50 on expectations that an imminent U.S.-led grou
nd assault would bring a quick end to the war.
April contracts of U.S. light, sweet crude peaked at $30.60 in New York befo
re dropping to $28.80 by late afternoon, down $1.08 from Wednesday's close.
U.S. futures reached a post-Gulf War high of $39.99 on Feb. 27.
The Pentagon - which confirmed Wednesday that Iraq has booby-trapped oil wel
ls so one person could blow them up - insists it will try to secure oil fiel
ds quickly to prevent Saddam's forces from damaging the nation's 1,685 wells
But the damage may have begun.
In Kuwait, about eight miles south of the Iraqi border, fires could be seen
flickering on the horizon. Reporters with U.S. Marines crossing into Iraq fr
om Kuwait saw burning oil wells that sent up a black cloud under a nearly fu
ll moon.
A battalion commander with a U.S. Marine unit in northern Kuwait told The As
sociated Press that ``three oil wells have been torched.''
The Arab satellite television channel Al-Arabiya reported that fires erupted
in Iraq's valuable Rumeila South field 50 miles west of Basra and just nort
h of the Kuwaiti border. Rumeila South is one of Iraq's largest fields, with
more than 5 billion barrels in reserves. It lies near a similar-sized field
called Rumeila North.
Mussab Al-Dujayli, the head of crude sales at Iraq's state oil monopoly, sai
d he could not comment on the reported fires. ``I hope you understand my pos
ition,'' he said by phone from his home in Baghdad.
``The United States and its international partners anticipated that Saddam H
ussein's regime might attempt acts of sabotage against oil wells,'' White Ho
use spokesman Ari Fleischer said in Washington, but gave no further details.
The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries sought to calm markets, an
nouncing its members have pledged to maximize output to compensate for any d
isruption in crude supplies from Iraq. Iraqi crude exports, totaling 2 milli
on barrels a day, are expected to cease as the war intensifies.
U.S. Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham said world energy supplies are ``more
than adequate'' to compensate for any disruption in Iraqi crude shipments. S
peaking in Washington, he reiterated a warning from President Bush that Iraq
is who carry out orders to sabotage oil wells would be held criminally accou
A loss of oil from Iraq could squeeze supplies for importing countries, incl
uding the United States, which depends on Iraq for 2 percent of all the crud
e it consumes. A scorched-earth demolition of wells and other oil facilities
could also deny the U.S. and British governments an asset they hope will he
lp pay for postwar reconstruction of Iraq.
Al-Dujayli confirmed that Iraq has stopped exporting oil from its Persian Gu
lf port of Mina al-Bakr, the destination for much of the oil produced near B
Leo Drollas of the Center for Global Energy Studies in London said he wouldn
't be surprised if Saddam had issued general orders for sabotage to begin.
``But it wouldn't be everyone who executed the commands,'' he said. ``It dep
ends on which army units are there and how much they're looking over their s
With tensions rising over the past several months, Saddam has had plenty of
time to organize such destruction. He also has the experience.
In 1991, Iraqi troops needed just a few days and some plastic explosives to
destroy more than 700 well heads and turn Kuwait's occupied oil fields into
a desert inferno. The result was geysers of burning crude and lasting enviro
nmental damage. Teams of firefighters worked from April until November to pu
t out the fires.
It took Kuwait more than two years and $50 billion to restore its oil output
to prewar levels.
Sabotage in Iraq could be much costlier, largely because its fields and pipe
lines are badly run down after a dozen years of U.N. economic sanctions. Its
fields are also much farther from the sea than those in Kuwait, meaning a r
eady source of firefighting water might not be so easily available.
Bruce Stanley is an AP business writer based in London.
I am looking outside into the rain
through the blurred window, in front
of which you seem to be there.
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