English 版 (精华区)
发信人: Systems (落叶), 信区: English
标 题: Rumsfeld: Saddam Losing Control of Iraq
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2003年03月22日14:19:05 星期六), 站内信件
Rumsfeld: Saddam Losing Control of Iraq
Saturday March 22, 2003 5:20 AM
WASHINGTON (AP) - In escalating the aerial bombardment of Iraq on Friday, U.
S. commanders crossed a threshold in a psychological campaign meant to unrav
el the Iraqi government.
They hoped that the promise of hundreds more airstrikes throughout the count
ry, plus the advance of thousands of American ground troops toward the gates
of Baghdad, would compel key people in President Saddam Hussein's inner cir
cle to turn on him, U.S. officials said.
``They're beginning to realize, I suspect, that the regime is history,'' Def
ense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld told a Pentagon news conference. ``And as
that realization sets in, their behavior is likely to begin to tip and to ch
ange. Those close to Saddam Hussein will likely begin searching for a way to
save themselves.''
A large part of Saddam's defenses for southern Iraq fell Friday as Iraq's 51
st Infantry Division surrendered en masse to coalition forces, defense offic
ials said. The division, which had about 8,000 soldiers and 200 tanks before
the war, was among the regular Iraqi army's better trained and equipped uni
The division was one of three based in far southern Iraq, the main heavy div
ision defending Basra, Iraq's second-largest city.
But the time for capitulation was rapidly expiring. Pentagon officials speak
ing on condition of anonymity said as many as 1,500 Air Force and Navy bombs
and missiles would hammer targets throughout Iraq in the 24 hours after the
accelerated air campaign began Friday.
One senior official said Gen. Tommy Franks, who is running the war from a co
mmand post in the Persian Gulf nation of Qatar, would calibrate the intensit
y of the air war to build maximum pressure on Saddam's lieutenants.
By early next week, however, U.S. ground forces led by the Army's 3rd Infant
ry Division are likely to be at the outskirts of Baghdad.
``The intention is to convince the regime that it is time to leave, and if t
hey don't we will try to take them out by force,'' Rear Adm. Matthew G. Moff
it, commander of the USS Kitty Hawk battle group in the northern Persian Gul
f, told reporters moments after Friday's air attacks began.
The Kitty Hawk is one of five U.S. aircraft carriers whose F/A-18 Hornets an
d F-14 Tomcats are flying missions against Iraq. Hundreds more Air Force pla
nes - heavy bombers as well as fighter jets - are attacking from air bases i
n Qatar, Kuwait, Oman and elsewhere in the region.
Ships and submarines in the Navy battle groups launched hundreds of Tomahawk
cruise missiles, which use satellite signals to guide their 1,000-pound war
heads to buildings and other fixed targets.
In the opening hours of Friday's assault, bombs struck military command and
control installations, government buildings and other targets in Baghdad as
well as the northern cities of Kirkuk, Mosul and Tikrit, according to a stat
ement by Central Command's air headquarters in Saudi Arabia.
The statement did not identify the aircraft involved, but other officials sa
id they included Air Force F-15E and F-16 fighters as well as B-1, B-2 and B
-52 bombers and F-117A stealth fighter-bombers. They flew from airfields as
far away as Whiteman Air Force, Mo., and about 30 bases in the Middle East.
The Navy's missions were all flown from carriers.
A senior defense official familiar with air war planning said all the bombs
and missiles dropped Friday were ``smart'' weapons - with laser or satellite
guidance - as opposed to ``dumb'' bombs guided only by gravity. During the
1991 Gulf War only about 10 percent of bombs dropped were ``smart.''
President Bush said he was pleased with the war's progress, but the United S
tates and Britain sustained casualties. Two U.S. Marines were killed in comb
at Friday in southern Iraq, and four U.S. Marines and eight British Marines
were killed when their helicopter crashed in Kuwait. U.S. authorities origin
ally reported that 12 British Marines had died, but that was revised to eigh
Secretary of State Colin Powell said the Bush administration had opened a nu
mber of channels to Iraq's military leaders to urge them to give up.
``It would be wise for Iraq's leaders to realize their day is over,'' he sai
Rumsfeld told a Pentagon news conference it was clear that the initial serie
s of airstrikes - including an attack Wednesday on a residence where Saddam
may have been present - had caused serious problems for the Iraqi government
``The confusion of Iraqi officials is growing,'' Rumsfeld said.
Rumsfeld said no high-level U.S.-Iraqi surrender talks were under way, but h
e alluded to other ``contacts.''
Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kansas, chairman of the Senate Armed Services committee,
discussed the surrender talks in an interview Friday.
``We've been working on that for some time and I'm sure when the commander i
n the Republican Guard gets a cell phone call and it is from an American who
can speak his language, that may be a surprise but it certainly indicates t
o him that he might really want to think about a change of direction.''
Roberts said unidentified third countries were involved in the talks.
We are angels with but one wing.
To fly we must embrace each other.
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