English 版 (精华区)
发信人: Systems (Control Nerd), 信区: English
标 题: I will live and die in IraqSaddamHussein(II)(转载)
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2003年04月26日11:03:39 星期六), 站内信件
【 以下文字转载自 NewsEnglish 讨论区 】
【 原文由 ningning 所发表 】
He said that Iraq has never had any relationship to al-Qaida terrorists, "an
d I think that Mr. bin Laden himself has recently, in one of his speeches, g
iven such an answer that we have no relation with him."
In a part of the interview that aired earlier Tuesday on CBS, the Iraqi pres
ident indicated he wouldn't heed a UN demand to destroy Iraq's Al Samoud 2 m
issiles and said his missiles didn't exceed ranges allowed by the United Nat
But Iraq's deputy prime minister, Tariq Aziz insisted Tuesday that the gover
nment had not yet decided whether to destroy its Al Samoud 2 missiles. "It's
being studied," Aziz said.
"Readiness for the aggression is continuing ... but this doesn't mean that w
e should stop our political and diplomatic work," Aziz said. "We should cont
inue with it, but we should also prepare ourselves for the battle."
Both Iraqi and UN officials spoke of new, substantive cooperation. UN inspec
tors visited a pit where Iraq says it destroyed biological weapons in 1991,
and Iraq reported finding an R-400 bomb containing liquid at a disposal site
"We have made some progress. In fact, we have made some breakthroughs," said
Lt. Gen. Amer al-Saadi, Saddam's adviser on the inspections.
Iraq appeared to be sending conflicting messages over an order from chief we
apons inspector Hans Blix to begin destroying its Al Samouds and their compo
nents by the end of the week because the missiles can fly farther than allow
The missiles are still being produced and tested, the inspectors' spokesman
in Baghdad, Hiro Ueki, said Tuesday. He said the last test took place Monday
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