English 版 (精华区)
发信人: Systems (Control Nerd), 信区: English
标 题: US may allow inspectors to continue work as ...(转载)
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2003年04月26日11:02:54 星期六), 站内信件
【 以下文字转载自 NewsEnglish 讨论区 】
【 原文由 bonjovi 所发表 】
US may allow inspectors to continue work as diplomatic efforts intensified
Xinhuanet 2003-01-26 20:26:10
BEIJING, Jan. 26 (Xinhuanet) -- The United States may give more time to
UN weapon inspectors in Iraq to ease tension with the allies, while leaders
of various countries exchanged views on the Iraqi crisis and stepped up dipl
omatic efforts for a peaceful solution.
Seeking ways to defuse tensions with longtime European allies, the Bush
administration officials said they were willing to accept a delay of possibl
y several weeks to allow inspectors to continue their work in Iraq after the
y report their findings on Monday, the New York Times reported Saturday.
During that time, the officials said, the administration would try to ma
ke a more persuasive case to the allies for possible military action in Iraq
. But they made clear that they did not want the inspections to last three o
r four more months.
The change in tone came after a week in which the administration found i
tself in a growing confrontation with traditional allies like France and Ger
many, and opposed in the UN Security Council by China and Russia, permanent
veto-bearing members.
The United States has asked 53 countries to join it in a military campai
gn against Iraq, but so far the coalition for war consists of a handful of c
ountries and even fewer commitments of troops.
For the moment, many countries have publicly said they will provide help
only if the UN Security Council approves it.
Also on Saturday, US President George W. Bush talked separately by phone
with Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi and Japanese Prime Minister Junichir
o Koizumi.
The Italian premier's office did not divulge the contents of the convers
ation, but Italy's stance on Iraq is sure to have been a key topic.
On Friday Berlusconi denied claims that Italy had already been "enrolled
" in a possible US-led attack on Iraq and stressed the need to work through
the United Nations.
Japan's Kyodo News reported that Bush told Koizumi that he has made no d
ecision on whether to attack Iraq.
UN arms inspectors on Saturday visited seven sites in Iraq in their dail
y hunt for prohibited weapons of mass destruction, Iraq's Foreign Ministry s
aid in a statement.
Experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspected the
engineering and education colleges of the Tikrit University, some 180 km no
rth of Baghdad. Another IAEA team went to an area near Baghdad to make a rad
iation survey.
The experts from the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspect
ion Commission (UNMOVIC) went to inspect education and veterinary colleges,
a military complex, a missile base, an oil company and a factory respectivel
The UN inspectors have so far searched more than 400 suspected sites, an
d they must give their first report to the UN Security Council about Iraq's
weapons programs on Monday.
But their request to have private interviews was turned down by three Ir
aqi scientists on Saturday. An Iraqi official said on Thursday that his offi
ce had tried to persuade scientists to agree to private interviews, but they
refused to do so in the end.
Egypt and Germany on Saturday expressed hope for avoiding a possible US-
led war on Iraq when German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer began his Middl
e East tour for a peaceful solution to the Iraqi crisis,
"Both countries have been cooperating and will continue to cooperate in
order to try to avoid a war on Iraq," Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Maher
told reporters after a meeting between Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and
Asked about whether he believes the Iraqi war is unavoidable, Fischer sa
id, "It is not the question of belief. The situation is serious. We are work
ing very hard for the implementation of disarming Iraq on one hand and avoid
ing military reaction on the other hand."
"Let's look for the fact that (chief inspector) Han Blix will present fa
cts on Monday (Jan. 27) in the Security Council. We willhave to wait and lis
ten, and then they (Security Council members) will debate in the Security Co
uncil," the German foreign minister said.
After France and Germany announced that they share same positions on Ira
q, the French presidential office said that FrenchPresident Jacques Chirac a
nd his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, have "very close" positions on t
he Iraqi crisis.
Chirac called Putin and the two exchanged views on the disarmament of Ir
aq, said Chirac's spokeswoman Catherine Colonna.
During the talk, Chirac reaffirmed that France believes the ultimate goa
l is to disarm Iraq.
"We can not act as if the United Nations weapons inspectors were not doi
ng their job. It is up to them to judge whether their mission has been accom
plished," Colonna quoted Chirac as saying.
"Just like Russia, we are waiting with interest the report of Mr. (Hans)
Blix and Mr. Mohammed ElBaradei at the UN Security Council on Jan. 27," she
Iraqi Ambassador to Turkey Talip Abid Saleh said on Saturday that his co
untry does not accept the "warning" from six regional countries that Baghdad
must do more in cooperation with UN weapons inspectors to avert a possible
Baghdad considers it a one-sided "call," he said, referring to a declara
tion issued by Egypt, Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Turkey at the en
d of a foreign ministers meeting on Thursday in Istanbul, Turkey.
"We hoped that also the United States had been included in this declarat
ion. Because, there will be an attack by the US on us. Overseas US forces ar
e coming. Any call was not made to them in the declaration. The declaration
was not balanced," the Iraqi envoy complained.
But the envoy pledged that his country would continue to cooperate with
the UN inspectors, wishing "there should be no war."
Meanwhile, an Iraqi Air Defence Command spokesman said on Saturday that
US and British warplanes bombed "civil and service installations" late on Fr
iday in Babel province, some 100 km south of Baghdad, wounding three civilia
Iraq's air defenses fired at the planes and forced them back to their ba
ses in Kuwait, the spokesman added. Enditem
He's a real nowhere man
sitting in his nowhere land
making all his nowhere plan for nobody
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