English 版 (精华区)
发信人: Systems (Control Nerd), 信区: English
标 题: IOC to review slimmer 2008 Games proposal(转载)
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2003年04月26日11:03:26 星期六), 站内信件
【 以下文字转载自 NewsEnglish 讨论区 】
【 原文由 ningning 所发表 】
Proposals of cutting several events and disciplines from the 2008 Olympic Ga
mes in Beijing will be discussed again as the executive committee of the Int
ernational Olympic Committee (IOC) begins next week to review the programme
to reduce the size of the Games.
Since his election in Moscow in 2001, IOC President Jacques Rogge has made i
t clear that he will move to control the size of the Games.
Although he failed last December in Mexico to have three sports cut from the
2008 Olympics -- baseball, softball and modern pentathlon -- when the IOC S
ession voted down the plan, Rogge is determined to scale down the number of
The executive committee has the power to cut events and disciplines and a fu
ll discussion on which will face the axe starts here on Thursday.
Rogge has confirmed that some events and disciplines in wrestling, athletics
, badminton, canoeing, shooting and sailing will be under scrutiny.
Rogge has made it clear that the 28 sports in the Summer Olympics do not hav
e a divine right to remain in the Games.
Liu Qi, president of Beijing Organizing Committee of the 2008 Olympic Games,
briefed the IOC on Friday on the city's preparations for the 2008 Games, vi
a satellite hookup with the IOC Executive Board.
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