English 版 (精华区)
发信人: bovia (波微), 信区: English
标 题: National Management Science Forum Is Held in HIT
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2003年04月29日09:35:40 星期二), 站内信件
“Management Science Forum” sponsored by the Department of Management Scien
ces of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and hosted by the
School of Management of HIT was held in Yi Fu Science Hall from Jan. 5th to
Jan. 6th, 2003. This was the first time that the Department of Management S
ciences of NSFC sponsored this forum in HIT.
About 100 experts and scholars of nearly 40 organizations from the Ministry
of Finance, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tsinghua University and Xi’an Jiao
tong University and so on, attended the forum. Researcher Chen Xiaotian, dep
uty director of the Department of Management Sciences of NSFC read a letter
from Cheng Siwei, Vice Chairman of the NPC Standing Committee. Wang Zuoshu,
Vice-governor of Heilongjiang Province and President Wang Shuguo of HIT atte
nded the forum and gave speeches. The subject of this forum was “Theories a
nd Methods of Assessment” which was the important part of Management Scienc
es and had been listed in the Tenth Five –Year Disciplinary Development Pla
nning of Management Discipline of NSFC. The two-day forum was divided into f
ive groups. Academician Guo Chongqing and Academician Li Jingwen of CAE and
more than ten experts who had completed excellent programs in the field of a
ssessment research had given thematic reports. More than one hundred partici
pants had a hot discussion about the present situation and development of as
sessment theory.
Since 1998, the Department of Managing Sciences of NSFC has sponsored the “
Management Science Forum” several times every year in the form of public l
ectures about achievements of excellent programs, which had been paid much a
ttention by the academic circles of management, organizations of government
and enterprises. The Department of Management Sciences of NSFC has taken a n
ew way to choose the best to host the forum by organizations’ applying sinc
e this year. HIT is the first one that is approved to host the “Management
Science Forum” by this way.
Translated by Wang Fengming
Publisher:Kong Xiangyu From:HIT Weekly
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香 bbs.hit.edu.cn·[FROM:]
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