English 版 (精华区)
发信人: murjun (萧牧), 信区: English
标 题: 人机对弈又一轮,棋王可用虚拟实境
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2003年11月12日21:10:45 星期三), 站内信件
Kasparov draws first game Vs 'X3D Fritz' computer
( 2003-11-12 08:28) (Agencies)
World No. 1 chess player Garry Kasparov was held to a draw on Tuesday in the f
irst game of his latest match against a computer and admitted having difficult
y with the program's virtual reality component.
Chess champion Garry Kasparov looks at a computer monitor through 3D early in
the first game of his match the X3D Fritz computer November 11, 2003 in New Yo
rk. The World No. 1 chess player was held to a draw on Tuesday in the first ga
me of his latest match against a computer and admitted having difficulty with
the program's virtual reality component. Kasparov and the programmers of 'X3D
Fritz' agreed to a draw on the 37th move after three hours and 20 minutes of p
lay in a hard-fought game in which Kasparov won a powerful rook in exchange fo
r a bishop and a pawn in the middlegame, but could not convert that slight mat
erial advantage into a victory. [Reuters]
Kasparov and the programmers of "X3D Fritz" agreed to a draw on the 37th move
after three hours and 20 minutes of play in a hard-fought game in which Kaspar
ov won a powerful rook in exchange for a bishop and a pawn in the middlegame,
but could not convert that slight material advantage into a victory.
The grandmaster played the program without physically moving chess pieces on a
board or pressing the button of a chess clock. Instead, he sat in front of a
computer monitor wearing 3-D glasses that made the on-screen image of the boar
d appear to float in front of him.
"The position was not easy technically. I think I missed a chance to consolida
te my position," said the former world champion, who played with the white pie
"I was worrying a lot about the screen," Kasparov, 40, said. "I knew before th
is match that I could have some psychological problems with this technology."
The second game of the four-game match at the New York Athletic Club was set f
or Thursday. The games were being broadcast on Web sites and on the cable TV s
ports channel ESPN2.
One point is awarded for a win and a half point for a draw. The prize is $200,
000 for the winner and $175,000 if the match ends in a tie.
The machine is German-made Fritz software, dominant in computer chess and sold
commercially, combined with New York-based X3D Technologies company software
that specializes in virtual reality.
In February, Kasparov tied his last match against a program, the Israeli-desig
ned world computer chess champion Deep Junior. The Azerbaijan-born Kasparov's
quest to conquer chess-playing machines drew worldwide attention in 1996 and 1
997 when he played IBM supercomputer Deep Blue, which has since been retired.
Kasparov, considered one of the greatest players in the history of the game, i
s still ranked No. 1 ahead of world champion Vladimir Kramnik of Russia by the
International Chess Federation.
Jim Mural
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香 bbs.hit.edu.cn·[FROM:]
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