English 版 (精华区)
发信人: ljf (龙卷风), 信区: English
标 题: 校园英(口)语(1) -- 学习篇
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Thu Mar 30 15:46:55 2000), 转信
I'll never make it to a morning class.
* make it(to) 是赶上(火车),到达(目的地)的意思。
I wonder if the prof took attendance already
* prof=proffesor, take attendance 点名
If I change my voice, maybe I can say "Here" for them
* 答“到”的英语是 "Here, sir/ma'am!" 或 "Yes, sir!",
有人缺席,其他人则说 "Absent!"
God, I only missed two classes and I'm already out of it.
* be out of it 是跟不上的意思,所以得 catch up with them ASAP
Hey, I got the whole info from the upperclassman.
* info=information, upperclassman 学长,或seniors,或直接
称 older guys
That guy is a tough nut. I guess this class is a bear!
* 难缠的老师称为 tough nut,bear表示很难的科目。
He likes taking stock of teachers.
* take stock of 对某人品头论足
I struggle for words when asked a sudden question.
* struggle for words 难以回答
I guess I'd better start cramming.
* cram 恶补功课
All right! An open-book test(开卷考试).
I can't even answer these questions with the textook.
Oh, no, how do you spell it?... Oh, well I'll just smudge it a little.
* how do you ... 是自言自语的说法。
Wow, all my buddies are at the make-up exam, too.
* buddy 是(男性)伙伴,make-up exam 是补考。
Have you already started your thesis?
No yet, I haven't even picked a topic yet!
* pick a topic 选题
This is not plagiarism but just a patchwork of quotations.
* 这不是剽窃,这只是拼凑出来的。
Hey! Who needs rough drafts? Let's go!
* draft 草稿,有的老师要求在正式 paper 前先交 draft。
final draft 最后的定稿,revise the draft 修改草稿
Holy cow! the deadline's coming up.
* Holy cow/mackerel/Moses/cats! 都是表达强烈感情的用法。
I rack my brain trying to remember the answer.
* rack one's brain 绞尽脑汁
I take a peek at my neighhor's paper.
* cheat on a test 是作弊,tell on (a cheater) 是告密
告诉你 它来自我的心
※ 来源:·BBS 水木清华站 bbs.net.tsinghua.edu.cn·[FROM:]
☆ 来源:.哈工大紫丁香 bbs.hit.edu.cn.[FROM: ljff.bbs@smth.org]
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