English 版 (精华区)
发信人: eSunny (把有限的生命投入到无限的灌水事业), 信区: English
标 题: 英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.1(转载)
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2002年01月26日19:52:09 星期六), 转信
【 以下文字转载自 Flyingoverseas 讨论区 】
【 原文由 Special 所发表 】
Nikky:how are u doing , Brian, long time no see, how is it going on the
re with u(最简单也是最地道的打招呼方法).
Brian:I am just fine, and u?
Nikky:not good actually, u know what happened to us, the world now sure
ly knows what happened in the USA(不是很好,整个世界都知道美国发生了什么).
Brian:Well, where were you on the morning of September 11?
Nikky:I had just gotten up very early at my home in nyc and I made myse
lf a cup of tea and I had turned on NPR(美国的一个广播电台,全称为国内公用无
线电台,大概相当于我们的中央人民广播电台) and heard that a commuter plane ha
d ashed into the Trade Towers, so I didn't pay much attention to it(第一架飞
机撞上世贸时,我并没有引起注意). And then, a good friend of mine from Manhat
tan(曼哈顿) called up and told me it was more serious than that(更严重的事情
发生), and that I should turn on the news. And then, I began calling people
in New York to find out what happened.
Brian:what NPR mean, is that the National Public Radio?
Nikky:u bet.
Brian:it seems that the president W. Bush also heard the news that morn
ing too when the first plane case happened, but just like u, he didn't pay m
uch attention to it too, just thought some fool pilot doing that (第一架飞机
Nikky:yeah, he then was not in Washington, he was visiting a little sch
Brian:and then the secret worker(特工) leaned his ear and told him that
your America was just under attack(美国遭受袭击了).
Nikky:but he is calm, more calm than the most Americans later can expec
Brian:what do u think immediately , what was your feeling at that time,
do u think that the world changed forever since?
Nikky:I did. I remember calling someone -- I got through on one of the
first calls to New York, and someone said "the world has changed." And I thi
nk I realized in that moment everything was different(我在那一刻意识到世界从
同胞。在随后的几个月里,一见到美国人,我问的第一句话就是:"where were you on
the morning of September 11?"
第二句就是:"what was your feeling at that time"
他们十有八九会说:"I realized in that moment everything was different"
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香 bbs.hit.edu.cn·[FROM:]
※ 转载:.哈工大紫丁香 bbs.hit.edu.cn.[FROM:]
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