English 版 (精华区)
发信人: Systems (Matrix Analysis), 信区: English
标 题: Reading Material 1
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2003年02月11日21:22:52 星期二), 站内信件
Difficult Words:
dub v. to entitle a knight, give sound or voice of a movie
regime n. political power and structure
claim n. requirement, idea
complacency n. satisfaction (with oneself)
delude v. to cheat somebody by hiding the truth behind sth.
pivotal adj. key
pillar n. important stick for support
proliferation n. increasing dramatically
enforcement n. executing sth. by force
heinous adj. extremely disfustful, bad and cruel
contemptuous adj. scornful, snoty
peremptory adj. sudden and compulsorily forced
hallmark n. proof of degree of purity, certificate of quality
folly n. stupidity, flimflam
desist v. to stop, control
whim n. suddenly occurring strange idea
repugnant adj. disgusted, unhappy, controversial
shirk v. to escape from due responsibilities
quo ???
Blair should beware of regime change in Britain
The government must come up with an alternative policy on Iraq
Martin Kettle
Tuesday February 11, 2003
The Guardian
In the circle around Tony Blair a certain air of unreality now rules. This i
s not unreality on the scale of Louis XVI, writing "Rien" in his diary entry
on the day the Bastille fell. But it is not negligible unreality either.
In recent days the Blairite talk has been of the postwar future, of what the
y will do after Iraq. They talk of how they are focused on the public servic
es. They talk of how they will take Britain at last into the euro. They talk
of what to do about Gordon Brown. And yesterday, in a Downing Street semina
r, they talked of how they will re-energies what used to be known as the "th
ird way" and what they now dub "progressive governance".
In one sense, all this is a necessary reminder, to ministers and to us, that
politics goes on and that the Blair government is about much more than an a
ttack on Iraq. But that cuts both ways. It is also a reminder of how much is
at issue for Britain in the next few weeks. For it is not just Baghdad, but
London, that is threatened with regimes change if George Bush goes to war u
nilaterally with Iraq.
The stakes for Britain are very high. It is possible that Blair will emerge
as strong as ever from a quick early war on Iraq. But there is little eviden
ce for such claims. To believe them, you would have to dismiss the consisten
tly damaging messages in recent polls and, at the same time, look at difficu
lt times ahead through unusually rose-tinted glasses.
A more realistic approach is not to dispute the damage that Iraq will do - o
r has already done - to the Blair government, but to try to predict and limi
t it. There is no place here for complacency. Those who imagine that the dam
age to be sustained is Blair's alone should not delude themselves. This is n
ot just a pivotal time for Blair. It is a moment of challenge to the modern
credibility of Labour in office at all.
There is greater awareness of this away from Downing Street than within it,
and in the next generation down rather than among Blair and his immediate ad
visers. On the backbenches, Labour MPs who have had an unbelievably favourab
le run since 1997 are also beginning to have an unaccustomed sense of insecu
rity and to be genuinely apprehensive about the May local elections.
But if Labour is to limit the damage, it must quickly construct an alternati
ve Iraq policy. Fortunately, there is such a policy. It does not involve an
immediate attack on Iraq. But it involves some compromise on all sides. It o
ffers, nevertheless, a possible way forward. Here, then, are seven pillars o
f an approach with greater wisdom.
First, we must recognise that we live in a world where ideological fanaticis
m, the technology of mass killing and the dangers of proliferation have comb
ined to create new and lethal dangers to civilian life. In such circumstance
s world leaders are absolutely right to be concerned about the possibility t
hat lethal weapons can fall into terrorist hands with catastrophic consequen
Second, the best way to address these problems is by global cooperation, thr
ough international treaties, institutions and enforcement procedures. In pra
ctice, that means through the UN.
Third, internationally agreed policies to combat the threat of catastrophe m
ust be backed up by military enforcement. To fail to do so would be to destr
oy the credibility of global institutions and thus to increase the threat. B
ut war must be a weapon of last resort.
Fourth, under George Bush the US is in danger of becoming a destabilising na
tion. The US nevertheless remains the greatest potential asset to global sol
utions, and the single most important guarantor of the enforceability of the
international will.
Fifth, Iraq under Saddam Hussein is one of the most heinous regimes on the p
lanet, whose replacement would liberate the Iraqi people. The regime has a p
roven record of attempting to acquire lethal mass weapons and of failing to
cooperate with international institutions. In the interests of regional and
world stability, the Iraqi regime must be contained and disarmed, in accorda
nce with the UN.
Sixth, the Arab world has failed to play the diplomatic role it should in cr
eating a stable region. One of the principal reasons for this, though not th
e only one, is the failure to resolve the Israel-Palestine issue. Unless and
until there is international engagement in the Middle East peace process, a
ny focus on Iraq will be viewed with suspicion at best.
Finally, it is not in the interests of Britain's engagement with Europe that
this country should be so dependent on the unequal alliance with the US. It
is essential on several grounds that the best government Britain has had or
is likely to have for many years should not be sacrificed, with all its fau
lts, to an increasingly aggressive policy pursued by an increasingly contemp
tuous US administration.
So, in that context, where do we go from here? The essential answer is to pr
ess for more time for the inspection process. The status quo is safe. Iraq i
s in a box. The object of policy, an Iraq verifiably free of weapons of mass
destruction, is attainable. It is too soon to say that the inspections proc
ess has either failed or succeeded.
That does not mean easing off. It means maintaining and strengthening the in
spection process. It means keeping up the deployments in the Gulf region and
the threat of military action. But it means setting a less peremptory, less
Pentagon-driven timetable. It means saying that if the inspectors cannot sa
y by a certain deadline - perhaps the end of the year - that Iraq has verifi
ably disarmed, it will be disarmed by international force. And it means carr
ying out that threat.
Such a policy would provide a clear answer to a proper question that opponen
ts of war have difficulty answering: If Iraq does not fully cooperate with t
he UN weapons inspectors, what then? But it would also give time for the US
and Britain to escape from the box in which they themselves are now locked.
In one of the great books of the 20th century, The March of Folly: From Troy
to Vietnam, Barbara Tuchman concluded that persistence in error was the gre
at hallmark of folly. "There is always freedom of choice to change or desist
from a counter-productive course if the policy maker has the moral courage
to exercise it," she wrote. "He is not a fated creature blown by the whims o
f Homeric gods. Yet to recognise error, to cut losses, to alter course, is t
he most repugnant option in government."
That alteration of course, though, is the challenge that Blair now faces. It
will not be easy. But if he shirks it or fails it, then yesterday's fine wo
rds about the future of progressive governance will have merely been written
in water.
Voici mon secret. Il est très simple:
on ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur.
L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香 bbs.hit.edu.cn·[FROM:]
※ 修改:·Systems 於 02月11日21:27:27 修改本文·[FROM:]
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